Chapter 34 - Sayonica Sleepover

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Warning: disappointment for anyone who thinks they are going to kiss 🤣

Sayori smiled widely as she skipped ahead of Monika, swiftly making her way to the black shiny limo waiting at the front of the school. Monika watched Sayori's childish behaviour with nothing but joy, never wanting her to be sad again.

"Monika why the heck are you so rich?!" Exclaimed Sayori looking back and forth frantically between Monika and the car.

"What do you mean?" Asked Monika while tilting her head inocently to the side.

"Hello?? Big fancy LIMO?!! REALLY!?" Exclaimed Sayori again, flailing her arms around in the air like a moth in distress, gesturing towards the limo.

"What? It was my parents who ordered it, not me." Shrugged Monika as she smiled smuggly.

"Damn. Your parents LOVE to show off their wealth." Sighed Sayori.

"Come one, let's go home before I die of starvation." Said Monika, lightly grasping Sayori's hand as she pulled her into the car, onto the seat next to her.

Sayori didn't stay seated, she began to crawl and roll around inside the limo, exploring every inch of it and trying out every seat.

"Sayori what are you doing?!" Laughed Monika having to clench her stomach from how hard she was laughing.

"What?! I'm exploring! I've never been in a limo before! I have to take full advantage!" Smiled Sayori, hopping from one seat to another. The limo was black on the outside, but the inside was white with small star like lights on the cieling.

"Oooooo! What do all these buttons do?!" Said Sayori very bubbly, looking at all the buttons placed on a small coffee like table, placed between two seats. Monika just giggled in the background, amused by her friends silly antics.

"Alright, what do you do?" Questioned Sayori as she pressed a small red button and almost instantly, the colour of the lights turned red. Sayori gasped loudly, her eyes widening.
"OH MY GOD!" Exclaimed Sayori excitedly before giggling like crazy, pressing every button, making the limbo seem like a disco party. Monika just watched calmly, always happy to see Sayori smile.

"Hey Sayori? Wanna see a magic trick?" Asked Monika secretly holding a remote with more buttons behind her back.

"Heck yeah! I love magic!" Said Sayori happily with wide eyes. Monika giggled at that.

"Alright then, prapared to to be amazed~ Abra, cadabra!" Yelled Monika as she pressed a button, reveling a secret compartment underneath the small table Sayori was pushing buttons on. It opened up and out came a class bottle with a pink liquid inside with two glasses on the side, matching the patterns on the bottle.

"It this...the holy grail?" Asked Sayori, turning her head to look at Monika, with an extremely serious expression.

"Of course not! It's just passion fruit juice." Laughed Monika, wiping the small tears from her eyes.

"What really? That's awsome! But, why passion fruit juice?" Asked Sayori.

"Because I'm so passionate about you~" Purred Monika, gently running her hand through sayoris hair with a soft smile, right before booping sayori on the nose.
"I'm just kidding, passion fruit is just my favourite flavour, my parents got it installed in an attempt to 'be nice'." Said Monika, rolling her eyes as she made air quotes.

Sayori nodded and tried her best not to blush, focusing more on the fact that mobika was finally opening up to her.

"It's the thought that counts right?" Said Sayori, trying look at the positive side of things. Monika shrugged.

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