Chapter 13 - Secrets

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(A/N: thank you everyone for being so patient with me, currently in a place with very little WiFi so writing is hard. Hope you all enjoy the chapter and you make day otaku wrestler!!!)

WARNING: Swearing, description of bruises, teasing and a lot of lesbian.

Monika, Sayori and Yuri were all around the table, waiting for Natsuki to finish with the pancakes and to bring them a much needed breakfast.

"Natssuuuukkiii! Hurry uuup! I'm dying of starvation!!!" Begged Sayori who was banging her head on the table.

"Shut up Sayori! Or you won't get any!" Yelled Natsuki.

Monika moved her hand underneath Sayori's for head, so she'd hit her hand instead of the hard, cold table. It didn't stop Sayori from having her tantrum though.

"So Yuri, how did your night go with Natsuki?" Asked Sayori bolting up onto her chair, slamming her hands on the table, earning a small jolt from Yuri.

"I-It was fine." Said Yuri looking away obviously lying by how she played with her long hair.

"Spill the tea." Said Monika taking a sip from an imaginary tea cup, with her pinky up.

Yuri wasn't sure if she should tell them or not, she was about too when the kitchen door burst open scaring everyone.

"Natsuki you little shit you made me spill my tea!" Shouted Monika very upset.

"Whatever, here have the fucking pancakes and leave some for me, I need to go." Said Natsuki carrying a huge stack of pancakes to the table. Everyone was hungry so everyone was smiling widely at the feast layed out in front of them.

"Where are you going?" Asked Sayori already stuffing her face with pancakes.

"I'm going to go meet santa." Said Natsuki heading upstairs while flipping everyone the middle finger.

'I bet she's going to use those painkillers...' Thought Yuri remembering the state Natsuki's body was in.

As soon as she was out of sight, Natsuki grabbed her stomach in pain and slouched her back trying not to cry at the excessive pain she was in. It didn't take long for her to find her bag  and desperately empty out all of its contents onto the bed. Natsuki shakily opened the box of painkillers and ripped out two pills and swallowed then without water, praying they would take affect asap.

She undid the buttons of her onesie and slid off the upper part of her onesie. Natsuki didn't need a mirror to know how bad it looked, so she grabbed her cream as fast as she could to get this over and done with. Once she applied the cream to her bruised skin Natsuki flinching at how cold it was my against her injuries and how every touch hurt like hell.

Yuri decided to wait a few minutes when Natsuki left, before excusing herself from the table and heading back to their room. Yuri ignored the teasing from her other friends and calmly walked up the stairs. She saw that the bedroom door was open and quietly entered the room, seeing idsactlly what she was expecting to see.

Natsuki was tending to her wounds, but her back was facing Yuri so she didn't notice the purple beauty standing right behind her. Yuri politely nocked on the open door, making Natsuki whip her head around in shock to see who was there.

"Can I help?" Calmly asked Yuri walking in and closing the door behind her.

"Y-Yuri?! T-This isn't what it looks like!" Said Natsuki scurrying about trying to put her onesie over her shoulders to hide her shame. But Natsuki was stopped by a soft hand on her shoulder, she looked up to see Yuri had a calm smile on her lip and Natsuki stopped all all movement.

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