Chapter 35 - Almost time

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Warning: potential spelling and grammar mistakes.

"Come on Sayori, it's time to wake up..." Softly whispered Monika as she gently tried to shake Sayori awake.

Sayori just groaned and turned to her side, her back now facing the brunette.

"Come on Sayori, you don't want to be late for school do you?" Stroking her hand gently through Sayori's soft hair. Sayori sighed and relaxed into the touch, not wanting to move since this was the first time in a long time she had a good nights sleep.

Faster then she could react, Monika swooped her up from the bed bridal style and began walking away form the bed. Monika couldn't help but giggle at the cute 'eep!' noise Sayori made. She wrapped her arm around Monika's neck before glaring at her.

"Monika what the heck?! I was sleeping!" Whined Sayori.

"Well you were going to be late for school if I didn't do anything." Chuckled Monika liking the feeling of Sayori safe in her arms.

"Aren't you going to put me down?" Asked Sayori not making much of an effort to get out of Monika nice protective hold.

"If I do will you walk with me or run back to the bed?" Asked Monika looking Sayori dead in the eyes.

"I'll walk with you?" Said Sayori desperately wanting to go back to that heavenly bed and skip school.

"Suuuuuure you will" Sarcastically said Monika rolling her eyes, still carrying Sayori as she made her way down the stairs. Monika carried her through all the rooms and corridors until they got to a table big enough for a whole party, with food and two plates already layed out on it. Monika gently places Sayori down before moving to a seat, while Sayori looked at the breakfast with wide eyes.

"THEY MADE YOU BRUNCH?!! FOR BREAKFAST?!!" Screeched Sayori, earning a small chuckle from Monika.

"No, they made us brunch for and early lunch." Said Monika as she calmly began to put food on her plate. Sayori paused for a minute.

"Wait what? But that doesn't make any's still morning, we have to go to school?" Said Sayori not quite connecting the dots. Monika chuckled and just pointed to the side, Sayori turned her head to look in the direction of Monika's finger only to be lead to a window with light shining through it.

"Monika...were mornings always so bright outside..? Is it that time of year already?" Asked Sayori rubbing the back of her head in confusion. Monika just laughed at her obliviousness.

"Sayori it's midday, I only said that to you so you could join me for some brunch." Said Monika as she started to eat her food with perfect manners and posture.

"Wait what? But I-" " You've already been called in sick so your free to stay here for the whole of today and maybe tomorrow as well" calmly interupted Monika as she took a few sips of orange juice.

"But then, what about the clu-" " I've already texted Yuri telling her we've canceled and for the teacher to lock up for us since we don't be there." Said Monika, smiling at Sayori's surprised expression.

"Congratulations Sayori, you've got yourself an extra weakened in the middle of the weak." Said Monika before he continued to eat. Sayori stared at Monika, now finding her more attractive then even for some reason.

" thought of everything didn't you?" Said Sayori in an absent minded kind of way.

"Mhm." Nodded Monika, since it was rude to talk with your mouth full.

"Thank you so much Moni!" Shouted Sayori as she quickly made her way to Monika, giving her an agresive side hug, almost making Monika choke on her won food. Sayori then almost instantly sat down and filled her plate with food, wasting no time in devouring it.

|---------------|After School|---------------|

Yuri had been calmly waiting in the hospital for her time to see Natsuki, and when the hour finally arrived she sped walked all the way to her room and barged in excitedly. Natsuki jolted at the sudden sound of the door opening and dropped her chocolate moose filled spoon back onto the tray, the chocolate confection spilling all over it.

Natsuki was about to yell at whomever caused her such a tragedy but lost her train of thought completely when she saw Yuri smiling widely at her in the doorway, wearing her signature turtle neck jumper and leggings.

"Hey Yuri~" said Natsuki smiling back at Yuri while holding up her one not broken arm up open and ready for a hug.

"Hello Natsuki, I came as soon as I could." Said Yuri as she walked to her girlfriend and wrapped her arms around Natsuki in a gently hug.

"What happened here? Are you really that much of a messy eater?" Asked Yuri as she pulled away from the hug and saw Natsuki food tray.

"Hey don't pin the blame on me! I'm not the one that barged in here like a rino when I was eating! You made me drop my spoon." Firmly said Natsuki.

Yuri hummed before taking some of the chocolate moose on get finger and licking it off.

"Well it's still good." Said Yuri going in to take another scoop but Natsuki quickly moves the tray away.

"Oh heck no!!! You are not stealing my moose!!!" Growled Natsuki as she grabbed her spoon and angrily ate the rest of the pudding before Yuri could even bat an eye.

"Slow down before you choke or get the hiccups!" Said Yuri gently pushing Natsukis shoulder. After gulping down the last spoonfull Natsuki put the tray down on the side table and turned to face Yuri.

"How was your day?" Asked Natsuki as she intertwined her fingers with yuris.

"It was fine, but boring without you." Smiles Yuri as she sat down on the side of the bed and helled onto Natsukis hand tightly.

"I was told by the doctor I'd be out in a few weeks, I'll have to wear a cast, but that's about it." Smiled Natsuki as she ran her thumb across Yuris hand.

"Natsuki that's amazing knews! I'm going to looking forward to finally having you back!" Said Yuri with a big smile.
"I subscribed to that website you use to watch anime, want to watch some together?" Asked Yuri pulling out her phone.

"Heck yeah!!! Its been forever since I've watched any anime!" Said Natsuki as she moved to one side of the hospital bed and Yuri layed down next to her, perfectly resting the phone between them as they happily watched anime together for the rest of the day until Yuri had to go home.

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