Chapter 44 - The change

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WARNING: unwanted sexual activity, swearing, harassment, blackmail, panic attack, crying, and lots of Sadnessssssssssss. This chapter was really hard to write.

A few weeks had passed, and small changes had gradually flooded the doki doki literature club, or more specifically, just one thing had changed. Monika.

The changes began small, usually going unnoticed by the dokis until it seemed as if Monika had almost completely disappeared from their lives.

Monika gradually stopped walking with Yuri, Natsuki, and Sayori between lessons, what was once a rare occurance because "her teacher" told her to stay behind became a complete absence with next to no excuse. However, coincidentally, as soon as Monika did, the bullies too seemed to disappear. No one bothered Sayori anymore, and everyone who stood by and did nothing could no longer look her in eye.

Each of the girls began to notice the changes...

Natsuki noticed Monika forgot about mandatory poem sharing one day, only remembering when Natsuki went to monika to apologise and ask for more time since she forgot.

Monika seemed genuinely surprised and tried to act like she didn't forget, but her brief, confused expression gave it away. This happened more time went by, and things got worse.

Sayori realised Monika didn't message or socialise as much as she used to, just focused on her work quietly by her desk, sometimes even purposefully avoiding talking or hanging out with them because she was "busy". Monika even avoided Sayoris hugs after some time.

Yuri started to see monikas once very neat and straightened appearance shrivel up bit by bit. Starting with bags forming under her eyes, her hair being down instead of in her usual tidy ponytail and Monikas uniform buttons being partially undone every now and then.

But then one day she came to the club after seemingly disappearing off the face of the earth for the whole day, without her tie, shirt untucked, skirt incredibly crinckled, with her her down. A complete reversal of her usual appearance. Monika gave no excuse and bretended nothing was happening.

"Monika for fuck sake stop lying! Look at yourself you fucking idiot!!!" Yelled Natsuki slamming her hands down on monikas desk angrily, Yuri quickly pulled natsuki away to hopefully de-escalate the situation.

"N-Natsuki no! That's not the way you talk to your friends!" Said Yuri, holding back her hot tempered girlfriend.

"You can't be fucking serious right now!! Monika your a mess!!!" Shouted Natsuki as she began to squabble and argue between yuri, who wanted her to calm down, and monika who was doing her best to brush the subject aside.

"Nothing is wrong, I've just been busy with the extra cram school work my teachers give me, along with student council duties I can't put off! Can you all please drop it?!" Pleaded Monika.

Sayori felt a worldwide of emotions, confusion, betrayal, sadness, anger and sometimes even a little relief.

She was relieved that even though Monika had been clearly trying to stick a wedge between their friendship, sayori could still read Monikas signs and understand her true emotions, even though she was trying her best to hide them.

Sayori could see Monikas small and almost unnoticed fidgeting gestures she does whenever she's nervous, like running her fingers through her hair or fixing her sleeves. She was using her fake smile, which was very obvious thanks to the exhaustion painted clearly all over her face.

"Moni, we're here for you if you need us." Bluntly said Sayori, interrupting everyone causing all their eyes to land on her as she looked Monika dead in the eye, expressing her sadness through them which slightly shifted monikas expression to one of guilt and shock, before walking away and dragging Natsuki and Yuri with her.

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