Chapter-2,You Want Me To What !!!

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Hari stared in horror at the young man watching her in amusement. She slowly transferred her horrified gaze from his gorgeous cobalt eyes to the unsuspecting Helphias Marston and the idiot minister, Cornelius Fudge. They really had no idea who they were sitting across from. "You want me to marry Thomas Riddle?" She choked out.

Marston nodded. "The contract has been examined. It is valid. I understand it is a shock, but you truly have no choice. Your ancestors created the contract to keep two very powerful lines from dying out."

"I'm surprised Dumbledore didn't come with you," Fudge added snidely giving her a disgusted look. "The two of you usually develop your lies together."

Hari settled her gaze on him. Her emerald eyes growing cold. "I am not the lap dog you think I am, Minister. Unlike some people who make a career of lying, I can make a decision without asking Dumbledore's opinion. I didn't inform him of the summons since I'm tired of the meddlesome fool interfering with my life. Now if I could get everyone else to butt out I'd be downright ecstatic."

Fudge blinked in surprise his face going purplish-red with anger at her pointed barb while Riddle actually choked before staring at her. He had been somewhat surprised to see recognition flicker in her eyes when she had arrived. How did she know him? He thought no one but Dumbledore knew him as Thomas Riddle. Know him she did though and still calmly walked in after a shocked moment and sat down next to him instead of declaiming him.

Hari shifted her gaze from the Minister to him. "Could we have a private conversation before I make a decision?"

"What is there to talk about?" Fudge huffed furiously. "Marry the man or lose everything."

"I'd like to make sure this man, who is a total stranger, does not intend to beat me, bind me or otherwise make my life an absolute hell before I agree to this because believe me there are worse things than not having money or not being able to wave a wand around. I am quite use to living as a muggle and having nothing, Minister. I survived ten years without even knowing magic existed. I survive without magic every summer. I have been penniless my entire life. I know how to live without money and it wouldn't bother me to do so. I've endured a childhood being treated like a house elf. I refuse though to spend the remainder of my life tied to someone who will treat me like shit."

"Language!" Helphias Marston snapped appalled at the attitude of the teenage witch.

Hari gave him a disdainful look before turning back to Riddle. "So Mr. Riddle, could we have a private word because I will refuse to agree to this if I'm not satisfied with how our married life will be conducted?"

"Lord, actually." Riddle smirked at her amused at the way she had made the minister gape and splutter. "Lord Slytherin."

Hari narrowed her eyes at him. You do not scare me. "Lord Slytherin," she repeated scathingly, "a word?"

Riddle nodded graciously even as he was amused at her audaciousness and rose to his feet. Merlin no one had stood toe-to-toe with him like this in decades! It was invigorating to have a witch not simper and grovel before him. The fire in her lit a response within him making him wonder if she would be this fiery in bed. "Of course, Miss Potter I understand this came out of nowhere and you are bound to have questions. I am sure there is a room we could use."

"Yes, yes of course," Mr. Marston stammered. He indicated a door to the side of his office. "That door leads to a small room."

Riddle gallantly indicated Potter should precede him.

Hari glared at him suspiciously before striding across the room and through the door. She waited for him to enter and throw up privacy wards before saying a word.

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