Chapter-5, Aftermath

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And now.

Tom cursed as the infuriating woman child disappeared. How dare she flounce off leave him standing in the middle of France's magical district! How dare she tell him 'no'! He was her husband and the Dark Lord. People didn't walk out on him! He would be obeyed.

With a sharp crack he disappeared. Reappearing at his manor he stalked to his practice rooms and started flinging full powered spells at the targets and walls. She was absolutely infuriating. Defying him! No one defied him. He growled and flung a powerful hex at a training dummy cutting it in half and gouging the wall behind it deeply.

She questioned and defied and stood up to him at every turn not even bothering to look worried about it. She also teased and tormented and made him laugh. Argghh... She aggravated him to no end with her fire and sass. She also made him feel


He sent a powerful reducto down the range to blast a cube to smithereens.


A violet streak hit a dummy and it started burning.


Like a man.

Like he could be loved.

He finally stilled, head bowed. The room was in ruins. His wand hung limply at his side. Merlin, Morgana and Salazar combined the girl was shaking up his world. She was destroying the barrier he had built around his emotions. He had not felt so much, so intently in decades.

He sneered at his own maudlin sentiments. Dark Lords didn't need to be accepted or loved. Emotion was weakness.

Did she think she could deny the magic of the contract? Run from him now that he had her? He left the room and went up to shower. She would return when the need grew great. She would return begging his forgiveness for her outburst and defiance. He would accept her apology and take her, possess her. He would leave her with no doubt that she was his now and that she would give him respect and obedience.

So why did he feel the foolish need to apologize?


Hari looked around the large entry way she appeared in. "Where are we, Dobby?"

Dobby was shaking still from the fury and retribution in the Dark Lord's eyes. "We is at Potter Ancestral Home."

Several house elves popped in welcoming her excitedly. Hari greeted them politely. They could tell she was angry and grew quiet.

Hari sighed. "I am angry at someone else not you. Please, show me the library. I need to learn some things and get distracted from arrogant jerks."

All the elves except one disappeared. The elderly elf named Apple, led Hari to a large library.

Hari grumbled internally as she followed the house elf. Had he planned on telling her beforehand or just impregnating her without her knowledge or consent? Arrogant jerk. Did he think he was the only one with pride? Did he think he could be haughty and cold and arrogant and she wasn't allowed to be the same? She snorted. "Of course he did. He's the Dark Lord," she muttered angrily. "He can be an ass and everyone else is supposed to cower and fawn. Well, I don't cower or fawn."

Hari looked around lost as to where to even start.

"I must confess I have no idea how to find what I need in here."

The elf pointed at a large book on a pedestal. "Put yous hand on register and say subject or title. Books comes to yous."

"Thank you." Hari murmured and crossed to the book. He thought she couldn't figure out how to keep from getting pregnant? Thought she couldn't learn what she needed to know if he didn't magnanimously help her? Hadn't she been doing that all these years? Did he think Dumbledore was teaching her Dark spells and how to fight dirty? She had found those spells herself in the Chamber and used the Room to practice fighting against magically supplied opponents.

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