Chapter 31:A plan and anguish

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The students stumbled sleepily into the Great Hall for breakfast. They stared at the staff table that was now slightly horseshoe-shaped with many empty chairs before remembering they were getting new classes and teachers. Their attention then shifted to the smaller table set below the left arm of the staff table. Four strangers sat there with the Weasley twins. The strangers looked nervous and very uncomfortable.

They had seen them walking around the castle and the grounds yesterday with the Weasley twins as well and were curious.

"Oi, who are the stupid-looking adults?" Ron asked loudly over a mouth of potatoes.

"Ron!" Hermione huffed. "Just because they look lost does not make them stupid."

"Oh, come on, 'Mione. They don't look like they could pass a first-year class." Ron sneered. "And look at the ridiculous clothes they're wearing."

"It isn't ridiculous, Ronald. It's a muggle. My parents wear similar."

"The one in the blue blouse is my mum." Geoffrey Hooper said sharply to his rude house mate.

Red crept up Ron's face. "Why is she dressed so weird?"

"She isn't dressed weird. She just isn't dressed like a witch because she's a muggle." Geoffrey snapped angrily. "Quit insulting my mum, Weasley."

"Why are they here though?" Andrew Kirke asked giving the muggles a slightly disgusted look.

"Honestly! You are all acting like pureblooded snobs!" Hermione huffed angrily.

Geoffrey took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. "First, Kirke that's my mother you are looking at in disgust and I will wallop you." He snapped angrily. "Secondly, my father was beating both of us. The new headmaster is actually helping students. He has offered my mum and me, sanctuary along with the other abused children and their parents if needed."

"So how many physicals were discovered?" Callidora asked.

"I don't know. I know he reported them all to Children's Services. It is going to be a huge mess."

"So they're going to live in the castle now? Parents of mudbloods? How much lower can the school get? "I am owling my father about transferring to another school. Stephen Cornfoot sneered from the Ravenclaw table.

"Ten points from Ravenclaw, Mr. Cornfoot," Riddle called out from the High table. "Any more such derogatory comments and I shall have a discussion with your father."

Cornfoot paled slightly. The last conversation the Dark Lord had with his father over his half-blood bitch wife had seen his father bedridden for three days. He ducked his head and focused on his breakfast shaking slightly as the Dark Lord's gaze lingered on him.

Riddle stood. "As I promised changes are coming to Hogwarts. My wife and I ordered physicals for all students. Those with signs of neglect or abuse were noted and private conferences were scheduled. As a result, more than fifteen reports were sent to Children's Services. A couple of suspected cases turned out to be false. Legitimate reasons existed for the injuries. The others are being worked on. Children are being removed from the abusive situation. If a parent is also being abused, they too will be offered sanctuary. You may not like muggles, but that will not be an excuse for poor behavior. They will be here until they get on their feet and you will treat them with respect. When the news breaks in the Prophet as we all know that it will, you will be respectful toward those whose private matters are so uncouthly exposed by the reporters."

He swept the assembled with a stern look making sure they all understood he was not joking about the matter before he sat back down.

Gail Britts leaned toward Fred. "Is the headmaster always that intimidating?"

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