Chapter 32:Rejecting and Appointing

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In the aftermath of trying to keep the Founders' Heirs, Thomas Marvolo Riddle and Hari Jamiel Potter Riddle, from claiming their birthright Albus Dumbledore was grievously injured. The investigation into previous misdeeds has continued although the trial was postponed to see if Mr. Dumbledore would recover.

At 9:07 pm last night, the elderly wizard gave in to his injuries and passed on. He is survived by his brother, Aberforth Dumbledore.

For more on the life of Albus Dumbledore, page 2

Allegations under investigation, page 3

Information on the Riddles, page 5

Minerva read the article while sitting at the high table just a few seats down from Albus' murderers. Shock at the thought of him actually being gone gave way to tears. She glared down the table where Potter and You Know Who were calmly eating while quietly discussing something.

"You killed him!" McGonagall cried out. "A great manLightgentlegood man and you killed him."

Tom tensed slightly as he turned his attention to the distraught witch. "I disagree on the character analysis of Albus Dumbledore, but yes, I did kill him."

Students already in shock at the Prophet's article were now completely stunned as Professor McGonagall lost her legendary composure and cried and yelled at the new headmaster.


Fury clouded Hari's face. " Enough. I've had enough of the blind prejudice in this school. My husband is not Voldemort. Slytherins are not all evil death eaters and Gryffindors are not all perfect, sweet angels that never mean any harm. Dumbledore didn't care about anyone or anything except himself and his eternal glory and I don't really care how upset that frank assessment makes you."

Outrage erupted in the hall as Hari blasphemed the Light lord. Two thirds of the school screaming at her for lying about him and how she was evil, etc.

McGonagall jumped to her feet. "I've had it with your attitude. You're bringing in dark, evil practices and are going to ruin the school as you've tried to ruin Albus' reputation!"

Tom's aura flowed over the hall as he rose to stand between Hari and McGonagall. Sirius and Remus moved as well to protect her as the hall erupted in anger and upset.

Tom's aura pressed and everyone grew silent. "Dumbledore ruined his own reputation. Knowingly putting your savior into an abusive home, knowing let an innocent wizard – a Lord of an Ancient and Noble House, sit in Azkaban for twelve years, ignoring the abuse of who knows how many children under his care at Hogwarts not to mention the torture of Professor Snape."

Hari's impressive aura joined his in blanketing the hall. "Those that can't accept that things are going to change, that dark and light will be taught together, that it is the person not their affinity that makes someone good or evil can leave." Hari laid down the ultimatum in a cold voice. She looked at McGonagall. "You we've given enough chances to. You can leave now."

Minerva drew herself up in outrage. "I will not! I am head of Gryffindor and I'll not abandon my charges to the likes of you!"

Hari's staff was suddenly in her hand. Magic streamed from it to wrap around McGonagall. "Out!" She snapped and slammed the staff against the floor.

The magic around the elderly witch brightened then with a loud thunderclap she was gone.

"Dobby," Hari called out furiously.

"Miss Hari calls Dobby." Dobby said eagerly as he appeared with a quiet pop.

"Go to Minerva McGonagall's quarters and pack her belongings. Place them outside Hogwarts gates."

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