Chapter 22:Werewolves and Familiars

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Severus looked up at the light knock on his door. "Lupin, come in." He murmured with a sigh. It was time to put old grudges to bed. It hadn't been Lupin's fault anyway.

Remus entered the room and took the seat furthest from the Potion Master. "Severus, I have a favor to ask. I'm willing to find a way to pay you for the effort."

"What do you need brewed?"

"Extra wolfsbane."


"The woman at the home furnishing store that is remodeling Grimmauld has a younger brother that was turned two years ago. She didn't even know about the potion. I didn't give out your name, but I did say I would ask my supplier. She offered to pay, but I know it's expensive."

"It is. However, I am certain that Hari intends to cover the cost from now on. I've been informed to add what I need to the Dark Lord's account at the apothecary."

"And I'm thankful. I do realize that you have to give up two days a month to brew it. Tell me how to repay you for your time."

"It's fine, Lupin."

"It is not, Severus. I refuse to be one of those that take advantage of you."

"You are not taking advantage. Due to the unreasonable prejudice in the magical world you are not very employable I understand your situation."

"Then something besides money? An assistant to do the dirty work in the lab a few days a month? Cutting up the grosser ingredients? Cleaning the cauldrons?"

Severus sighed and let his gaze wander over the slender man. Time and his curse had not been kind to the man. His pride was important to him. "Alright. You are not a child. I shan't oversee you. You were quite adequate in Potions. Keep track of my inventory. I keep a running list. It updates as I use ingredients. Keep the lab stocked. I shan't be lazy and leave all the cleanup to you, but if I have to brew all day or longer I shall go to bed and expect that mess to be cleaned up by you. When I am back at Hogwarts perhaps you could help with grading papers."

Remus nodded. "Reasonable requests. So I can tell Elena that you'll supply her brother the potion?"

"Yes. It won't be much more work to make two doses."

"Thank you, Severus."

"You are welcome.Remus."

Remus smiled at the use of his first name and left the private man to his solitude. He apparated to Diagon Alley and strode to the Home furnishing shop.

"Elena," he greeted when she came to the front in response to the chime on the door. "Do you have a lunch break coming up?"

Elena glanced at her watch. "In twenty minutes." She looked at the werewolf questioningly.

"I spoke with the Potion Master that we were discussing last time."

Elena's eyes widened.

"I won't keep you from work. Meet me at Silvana's on your lunch?"

"Yes. Thank you."

Remus nodded and left the shop.

Twenty minutes later the young lady slid into a chair across from his at the small café. "Mr. Lupin, thank you for remembering to ask about my brother."

A waitress came over and the swiftly placed their orders.

"It's no problem. I'm actually working on finding a way to get the potion out to everyone who needs it. The man who brews mine said it wouldn't be much more work to brew twice the amount. We just need to know where to deliver it. If I could meet your brother and call the house elf to the location so they know each other, I would be more confident that he is getting the potion and taking it."

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