Chapter 17:Plans for Hogwarts

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Hari moaned as Tom's hot, wet mouth suckled her breast. She twitched and felt white hot pleasure shoot to her core when he scrapped his teeth over the sensitive nub. His fingers danced over her slick folds. One long, elegant digit thrust into her in a slow rhythm that was slowly driving her crazy.

"Tom," she whined. "Please..." she writhed beneath him. "Please..."

Tom lifted his mouth from her. "Please what, wife? Tell me what you want." He demanded huskily.

"" Hari replied hoarsely.

Tom rose up and covered her slim body. His knee nudged open her legs and he settled between them. His leaking cock sliding between wet folds. "I will not cast the contraceptive charm. I want you pregnant. I want to see your belly swelling with our child." He murmured stroking her flat belly with his fingertips.

"Yes," Hari moaned wrapping her legs around his waist. "Yes, a child...a family...with you, my Lord Husband."

His cock jerked at the 'my Lord Husband' and he nearly came before he even entered her. Her sultry grin told him she knew exactly how it had affected him. He surged into her as he claimed her lips in a fierce, possessive kiss. He had married her because the contract demanded it. She was not what he thought she would be. She had surprised him as few ever did with her compassion, her fiery spirit, her loyalty. She was loving and giving yet dark and vindictive. Cunning and intelligent yet innocent and ignorant of so much in the magical world. She infuriated him, made him proud and made him laugh. She astounded him daily and made his world fuller, livelier, brighter. Surely this was love.

Hari wrapped her arms around him and held on as he thrust into her driving her body into the mattress with the force of his movements. Never would she ever have believed it could feel so exquisite having a man in her. Pleasure coiled hotter, tighter as his cock slid over that spot inside her that sent shafts of ecstasy flying through her. She matched his rhythm eagerly clenching her legs around his waist pulling him in deeper. "Tom!" She shrieked throwing her head back as her orgasm rolled over her, drowning her, pulling her under until all she knew was him filling her physically and emotionally.

Tom shouted hoarsely as his own orgasm slammed into him. White hot lightning like pleasure streaked from his balls up his spine. Thick, hot streams shot from him into her womb.

They lay there, entwined and drawing in shuddering breaths, their hearts hammering in their chests as the aftershocks rippled through them. Tom shifted, his shaft sliding over her swollen clit. Hari shivered and moaned as another smaller orgasm drifted over her. Tom moaned against her shoulder as her internal muscles milked another smaller spurt of semen from his cock.

"Sweet Circe, Merlin and Morgana," Hari whispered. "Baby making is incredible!"

Tom chuckled tiredly as he slipped from her and rolled to his back bringing her to his side. Hari snuggled against him with a contented sigh.

An hour later after a shower which included another bout of hot sex, Hari and Tom strolled down the broad staircase and into the study that Hari had commandeered.

They stopped and took in the unusual sight of Sirius, Remus, Arthur, Lucius and Severus huddled around a table in a serious discussion.

More attuned to having to be aware of who was entering a room, Lucius and Severus were the first to see them and stand. "My lord, My lady."

The others looked up startled and jumped up. There was a slight pause then, "My lord, My lady."

Tom arched an eyebrow, but said nothing. "Good morning everyone. What has you all collaborating?"

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