Chapter 25:Evening at Hogwarts

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( In the Slytherin common room)

"I can't believe he took those curses for Potter."

"Of course he did. The Line Protection Contract will make him protect her until two heirs are born."

"Shut it." Daphne hissed. "You didn't see him that day Parkinson and Nott were stupid enough to attack her. I thought he was going to kill us all. He was enraged at our parents saying what you just implied. My father couldn't walk unaided for a day and a half."

"I can't believe you're gossiping about his private life." Terence Higgs snapped sharply. "You won't even think about it outside the common room am I clear? You do not want to be the one to reveal who he is."

"Potter helped save my godfather's life." Draco spoke up for the first time since they entered the common room. "She also kept him out of Azkaban and cleared his name. She's turning out to not be anything like we thought."

"You sound like you actually like her." Phillip Helmsley sneered.

"I do. Potter is Dark, vicious, cunning and compassionate at the same time. She's intelligent and witty and"

"Crushing on the Dark Lord's whore?" Bulstrode asked in an ugly tone.

Draco's wand was out and Bulstrode was screaming in pain in seconds.

"Malfoy!" Keslar strode into the room.

"She called Lady Slytherin a whore." Draco snarled ending the curse.

Keslar stared at the fat, blubbering witch. "Has a death wish, does she?" His voice was dark and dangerous. He looked around the room. "Get it through your thick skulls. Potter is not the enemy. The new headmaster will kill anyone who threatens his wife whom he is very fond of. I doubt being a teen will stay his hand. Now go to bed and wake up with more common sense."


Tom turned his attention to the staff. "I understand your doubts and your fears. I will strive to relieve both if you will be good enough to show us to the staff conference room."

McGonagall stared at him a long moment then with a sniff turned to walk away. "This way."

They entered a fairly large room with a huge table in the middle. The staff settled into chairs nervously. Several shot Hari ugly looks as Tom attentively settled her into a chair next to his.

"Tonight, a broad outline of the things we hope to change, add or improve upon. Regrettably there will be many meetings this term as we implement these ideas. First of all for those who do not know me, I am Thomas Riddle, Lord of Slytherin and Ravenclaw. I believe you all know my lovely wife, Harika Potter Riddle. Her titles are a mouthful."

"Prat," Hari huffed affectionately.

Tom grinned at her touching the back of her hand gently.

Hari sighed. "We'd like to cover what we must tonight before getting rest for what is sure to be the first of several trying days for all of us."

Tom looked around the table at the varying expressions. "What you each need to do tonight is decide if you are willing to work with us. We won't tolerate constant strife or someone on the staff undermining our authority. We will be making plenty of changes – classes, behavior, rewards, punishments, etc. Details will come at our pace not yours so don't badger us. You need to let us know by noon tomorrow if you are staying on or not."

"Us? Our? Ms. Potter is still a student." McGonagall huffed.

"While it is true that Lady Slytherin will be attending classes she is half owner of the castle and has equal authority with me. You will treat her as the Lady of the castle. Classes," he continued to forestall questions. "You will spend the next week creating standardized lesson plans for each year. We have queried the different schools in Europe and the other continents and have consolidated their replies as to what they teach their students."

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