Chapter 34:Sortings

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Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley and Stephen Cornfoot was shaking the room was so frigid with the fury the headmaster was emanating. It didn't help that his eyes were blazing.

"A rumor has reached my ears that you three were plotting against my wife." His gaze centered on Cornfoot. "Is that true, Mr. Cornfoot? Did you conspire to cause my wife harm?"

"Nnno, my lord." Cornfoot squeaked. Salazar! If the Dark Lord didn't kill him on the spot, his father would. If the Dark Lord didn't kill him because of his son.

"Mr. Weasley? Ms. Weasley?"

The Weasleys were too terrified to notice the slip of his tongue. They shook their heads frantically.

Riddle leaned back in his chair. "I don't believe you. Any of you. I believe you are letting your hatred override your common sense." He looked at Ron. If the idiot was stupid enough to harm Hari with Family magic layered over him, he deserved to lose his magic. "I don't care if you are children, harm my wife and I will destroy you."

The three children gulped and shook even harder as frost formed on their bodies. It began to be difficult to breath. Their lungs resisted expanding and contracting. Their bodies grew numb. "Wwe wowon't ha.harm her." Ginny stuttered.

The cold receded a little. "Good. Now off to breakfast and to class."

The three children fled the headmaster's office like the hounds of hell were on their heels. They burst out of the stairwell and rushed down the hall not stopping their mad dash until they were on the next floor.

They leaned against the walls panting for breath, still trembling as they stared at each other.

"How did he find out?" Cornfoot hissed.

The Weasleys looked at each other. Ginny frowned. "Hermione. She was alone with Potter yesterday. Potter gave her a copy of the international O.W.L.S. and N.E.W.T.S."

Ron growled. "Traitor! How could she turn on us like that?! For tests!"

Cornfoot's eyes narrowed in anger. "I'd say Granger needs to learn to keep her mouth shut."

"Yeah, but if we do anything now they'll know it was us."

Cornfoot smirked. "But it won't be us. The know-it-all has lots of enemies. A word here; a word there and someone else does it for us."

Ron studied the floor then nodded. "Yeah. She deserves it. Let's get to breakfast and class and talk more later."


Tom and Hari took their seats in the crowded hall watching the children on this first day of new classes and new staff. Excitement ran through Ravenclaw. Nervousness through Hufflepuff. Nervousness and resentment and rebellion mixed in Gryffindor. Slytherin masks were up and solid. There was no way of telling what their true feelings were.

Tom stood and send off a burst of colorful sparks to gain everyone's attention. "The Sorting Hat has something to say." He then pulled the raggedy hat from his robes and plopped it onto the podium.

The battered hat remained still a moment then straightened up and swiveled side to side as if looking at the students. It cleared its 'throat'.

"Usually all you hear from me is a song. A song filled with advice that all ignore. Today I am telling you and will not be ignored any longer. Unity is the only way for Magic to survive. The time for hate and division is past. To survive, to flourish in the future we will need Hufflepuff's steadfast loyalty, Ravenclaw's ability to research and recall information, Slytherin's cunning and ambitious planning, Gryffindor's bravery and courage all working together. The Founders did not divide to cause rivalry and distrust, but to focus each on their strengths. That truth has been forgotten."

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