Chapter 18:Truth

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                                       ALBUS DUMBLEDORE – LEADER OF THE LIGHT?

It is amazing dear readers what you discover when you stop assuming something is so and do some investigating. Having my faith shaken by the earlier discovery of Sirius Black's innocence and Dumbledore's part in the cover up (since then verified by Lord Black himself) and the article in the Prophet mentioning his part in Lady Slytherin's horrible childhood, I decided to dig further into the life of Albus Dumbledore, a wizard who proclaims himself the Leader of the Light, the knower of the Greater Good.

The information coming to light is not...well, Light, my soon to be shocked readers. His father sentenced to Azkaban for hexing muggle boys who had attacked six year old Arianna (Dumbledore's sister). The attack was so severe that young Arianna was left traumatized and unable to control her magic an unfortunate happenstance that ended with poor Arianna accidentally killing her mother in an accidental magic event.

Thus, young Albus was left as Head of the family at the tender age of eighteen with the care of his traumatized sister and younger brother, Aberforth. He was forced to give up youthful plans and stay home to care for his sister while Aberforth finished his education. Resentment grew. Bitter, dark resentment festered especially toward muggles.

Then a young wizard moved into Godric's Hollow and befriended the resentful, bitter young Albus. That wizard...Gellert Grindelwald. Plans were made. Dark plans. Plans for 'the Greater Good'.

The Greater Good. We have heard that phrase often over the years, have we not? It has darker connotations in certain areas of Europe. There it was Gellert Grindelwald's catch phrase.

And what plans were made you ask. Plans to rule the Muggle world. Plans to subjugate Muggles under the feet of Wizarding kind with Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald in power. Plans to eliminate enough Muggles so they weren't a threat to Wizarding kind any longer. These are not the thoughts and plans of a Light wizard.

A disagreement between the two and young Aberforth about their plans for subjugation of the Muggle world led to a duel. A duel in which Arianna was killed. This created the rift between the two friends (and possibly lovers).

Dumbledore thereafter sought to bring Grindelwald down. This new information begs the question: Was the defeat of Grindelwald a blow against the Dark by the Light or revenge by a bitter ex-lover?

Is Dumbledore the great Leader of the Light he purports to be or something more sinister hiding behind a congenial façade?

I shall continue in my endeavor to bring you the truth.

Dumbledore shook in rage and in shock. Shock was thrumming through his system overriding the anger at the moment. Who was discovering his secrets and how? The only person who knew about him and Gellert was Aberforth and Bagshot. Aberforth would never tell anyone out of loyalty and Bagshot was senile.

How had they found out his plans to not just subjugate but kill off the disgusting muggles? There were too many of them to subdue without killing off the majority of them. Their technology and sheer numbers would overwhelm the magical world. The muggleborn needed to idolize him so they would agree with his assessment that muggles were a dire threat and destroy them. This information coming out now was a serious blow to the persona he had carefully cultivated for decades.

Dumbledore stood and moved to the fireplace. He tossed in floo powder and stepped in. He stepped out into his brother's private quarters in The Hog's Head. He knew his brother would be alerted to the floo activating so he set about making tea to calm himself.

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