Chapter 47: Heat

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Tom woke up shivering and alone in bed. Waking up to find Hari gone from their bed was becoming more and more common. The baby was starting to make lying down uncomfortable so instead of twisting and turning and waking him up she just got up.

Tonight though she was sitting in the window seat with the window open. It was snowing outside!

"Hari, shut the window and come back to bed."

"It's too hot to sleep." She grumbled.

"It's freezing." Tom huffed casting a strong warming charm on himself before getting up and shrugging on his heavy night robe. He shoved his feet into fleece lined slippers and made his way over to his wife. He wormed his way behind her so she could lean back against him. His hand settled on her belly. "Hey, little one, you've got your momma hot as a furnace. I guess we should be glad it isn't summer time."

Hari grinned and relaxed back against him. "I'd die from heat exhaustion," she muttered. "Look at them romping in the snow. It's a good thing they're covered in thick fur."

The full moon lit the snow covered grounds brightly making it easy to see the two werewolves and the large black dog in the distance.

Tom leaned his head against hers. "The centaurs are still being bothersome. I have a feeling we're going to have to ward against them next year to protect the young werewolves."

"We need to clear out the acromantulas is what we need to do. Hagrid is going to raise a fuss about it though."

"I'll have Agler and Quirke find an uninhabited island we can transport them to. We'll have to kill most of them, but we can make sure Hagrid's old friend isn't one of them. An enclosed environment, they'll soon eat everything then die off themselves within just a few years."

"Hmmm," Hari responded sleepily.

"Come to bed. You can sleep on the window side and on top of the covers."

"Okay," Hari mumbled.

Tom shook his head at the lengths he went to for her as he mostly shut the window and maneuvered his sleepy wife back to bed.

The next morning they had an appointment to see Emily. They were going to get to see the baby again and find out if it was a boy or girl so they were both eager.

Emily grinned at them both as they entered the infirmary later that morning. She could feel the excitement buzzing in the air around them. "Good morning, my lord and lady."

"Good morning, Emily," Hari chirped as she settled on the bed and gazed at the healer expectantly.

Emily chuckled. "Let me run through the usual diagnostics real quick." She twirled her wand through the intricate motions and read the results. "I see your body temperature is running high."

"She damn near froze me to death last night." Tom huffed good-naturedly.

"I was hot!" Hari huffed back at him.

"I hate to tell you, but she is going to be hot for a couple months. I also want to warn you that you'll get dizzy very easily. Don't stand for long periods of time or stand up fast. Fainting is a real possibility."

Tom frowned. "I'll have someone walk you from class to class."


"No, wife. You don't get to argue on this. You'll be going up and down stairs a lot. If you get dizzy, you could tumble down a flight or two."

Hari paled slightly. "Okay. No argument."

"Thank you."

Emily nodded. "A good precaution. Now, your baby's hearing now so if you aren't already, talk to it. It will learn your voices and start responding to the two of you. Talking soothingly or playing soft music can help lull it to sleep at night as well. Now, ready to see if you are having a son or a daughter?"

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