Chapter 51: Staff meeting

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Tom looked about the large staff table with a silent sigh. Resentment was still there on most of the tenured staff faces. Six months into the new term and staff and students were still disgruntled and upset at the changes and looked to remain so the rest of the term. The work was harder and even with less per class there was more homework than before. It had taken several weeks of essays being returned to be rewritten more legibly and to specified lengths with points taken for each rewrite before quite a few students began buckling down and taking the new rules seriously. 

Those that had assignments returned three times for failing to comply had their leisure time taken from them until their work was turned in satisfactorily. Their free periods had been turned into supervised study periods including the time between supper and curfew. Once they realized they weren't going to be allowed to slack off they began turning in passable work. The only thing the majority was happy about at this point was the lack of OWLS and NEWTS this year. He knew a few planned to just go to the Ministry this summer and take them and be done with it, but the majority were taking the free year and striving to improve themselves or didn't want to take on the expense themselves.

"Alright, settle down everyone." He called out as the seats filled and the quiet murmurings didn't seem to dwindle after several minutes. "No one wants to spend their entire Saturday in a meeting so lets get these issues dealt with as quickly as possible."

Silence fell quickly as attention turned to him.

"Final exams are just around the corner and I just want to say that I believe that you have all done an outstanding job of rising to the occasion this year in incorporating the new teachings into your lesson plans and getting our students up to par with what the rest of the world is teaching in your respective areas. We understand that the older years have more to learn and they may not be up to par until sometime next year. That said, do we have any students currently struggling to the point they won't pass their year-end exams? We'll start to my left. Professor Flitwick?"

"I have three first years that are struggling. Elias Smythe, Perrin Henson and Hamish Roseberry. The only others struggling in Charms is third year Victoria Frobisher and fifth years Hilaria Fedele, Cadmus O'Gill. Quite a few will most likely just scrape by with an Acceptable."

"We will impress on those that do that it is an Acceptable at international standards which would be a high Exceeds Expectations on the British level. Professor Sprout, how stands Herbology?"

The dowdy witch straightened up a bit and heaved a sigh. "Quite a few I'm afraid not because the material has gotten too hard, but because most don't see the purpose in scoring high in herbology to begin with. Many passed the old exams with a meager Acceptable and they are of the opinion the new exams won't be much harder than before since its 'just gardening'."

Tom's eyes narrowed. "Has no one bothered to tell them how herbology interconnects with other aspects of magic especially potions?"

"I tell them every year. Unless they plan on being potioneers they don't care that much at all." Sprout huffed.

Hari shifted uncomfortably at his side. She was far enough along to be absolutely miserable and sitting in this meeting was going to be hellish for her, but she insisted on being here. "I say give a mock exam and then let those that fail or barely pass know just how many careers they are ineligible for."

The staff looked at her as if she were crazy.


"We've never given mock exams."

"And? Does that somehow stop us from giving one now?"

Sprout blinked at her. "No," she finally murmured then a smile spread across the cheery woman's face. "No, not at all. Excellent idea, Lady Slytherin." Her smile turned a bit evil. "Yes, a surprise mock exam and an extensive list of what they can't do as a future career." She chortled and jotted the idea down on a piece of parchment.

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