Chapter 27:Weasleys

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Ron rushed from the Great Hall and up to the owlery. He couldn't believe it. Dumbledore defeated and You Know Who in charge of Hogwarts and the Aurors just let it happen! He had been terrified last night thinking that Death Eaters were going to barge in and torture and kill them.

Then morning had come and he thankfully was still alive. He had almost convinced himself it had been a bad dream except everyone was subdued and waiting to leave the common room together. Even Hermione had been silent in the face of Death Eaters taking over Hogwarts.

They had entered the Great Hall hesitantly. It was repaired as if no battle had taken place last night. The Gryffindors had watched the Slytherins expecting them to be bragging and pushing around their weight since their master was in charge now, but they had been somewhat subdued as well.

Then that traitorous whore had sent out butterfly shaped summons. Butterflies! Ron shivered on the stairs as he thought of the Dark, Powerful magic that had wrapped around him and dragged him in front of You Know Who. He was only slightly less terrifying looking human rather than the snake like man the Prophet had described.

He hurried to the landing and searched in his backpack for parchment and ink. He wrote a quick, terrified message to his mother. Surely, she would come for them. Surely Mum wouldn't leave her children in a school ran by You Know Who.

Ron swallowed thickly and attached the note to one of the few owls present and sent it off. He looked around the deserted owlery. Good. Other children had alerted their parents to what had happened.

Ron hurried back to the Gryffindor common room. Maybe they could barricade themselves in. The house elves would feed them. They would be safe until adults came and rescued them.

He entered the familiar room and scowled at the knot of excited students huddling around the announcement board. He worked his way to the front earning growls and shoves and punches as he rudely pushed people out of the way.

"I was expecting some harsh rules. These aren't worse than what we have now."

"Look at the change to the Hogsmeade visits."

"We get to go! We get to go!" First and second years squealed excitedly.

"No consent form required. Awesome."

"Look at the classes that are going to be offered!"

"And the changes coming to the library."

"Maybe he really isn't You Know Who."

"Yeah. You Know Who wouldn't be this cool."

"He is You Know Who! Dumbledore said he was!" Ron screamed. "He's just trying to fool us into letting our guard down."

"Yeah, well Dumbledore attacked and tortured Professor Snape nearly killing him."

"Professor Snape is a Death Eater!" Hermione interjected hotly.

"And what about how he let Potter be abused her whole life. Dumbledore isn't what we thought he was." Dean Thomas declared hotly.

"Dumbledore was a hero! Potter twisted everything. She betrayed him and us!" Hermione nearly screamed.

"Dumbledore isn't the Light wizard we thought and even if the new headmaster is You Know Who maybe he isn't the evil Dark wizard we thought." Fay Dunbar murmured.

"This wizard can't be Him. He would be nearly seventy now." Neville growled. "And You Know Who's followers took our parents from me and Hari. She wouldn't marry him. Besides, Gran and several others have verified the documents. The birth and death records are in the Ministry for him, his mother and father and his grandmother. He is You Know Who's grandson. Now to see who he takes after." He turned and stalked off to the dorms.

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