Chapter 37:Death plans for Dark Lord

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Tom was scowling and hovering as they left their quarters for breakfast. Her godfathers were hovering as well. She couldn't see around the wall of male protectiveness.

"You sure you don't want breakfast in bed." Tom murmured.

"Yes. I'm sure."

"Another day of rest" Sirius began.

"I'm fine." She cut him off.

They entered the Great Hall and silence fell as the headmaster ushered his wife into her chair. Hari looked out over the sea of faces. Quite a few showing concern or fear. Most showing uncertainty. Holding back a sigh, she stood shifting her wand to her staff.

Tom started to rise but a swift look from his wife had him settling back in his chair. He had been overly attentive since the attack. He knew it was starting to aggravate her but he couldn't help it. He kept seeing her falling.

"I want to thank every one of you for the cards and gifts. As I'm sure many heard and spread through the notorious gossip mill, I am pregnant. Six weeks. I have recovered. The baby is fine." She smiled softly. "Yes, Ron Weasley attacked me. He knew he had a Family Magic geas placed upon him. It basically stated that if he attacked me he would lose a portion of his magic in correlation to the intent to harm he had toward me. Magic herself stripped his magic from him killing him in the process. Ginerva Weasley and Stephen Cornfoot were discovered to be complicit in the attack. They admitted their guilt and were dealt with."

She paused taking a sip of her orange juice. "Madame Bones was here yesterday investigating. Needless to say, neither she nor the Ministry are happy with the fact that Hogwarts is sovereign ground now. We politely answered her questions as a sign of cooperation with magical Britain. I'm certain the Daily Prophet will be filled with the event and reactions. If you have questions, let us know. If your parents are worried, they may write us. Otherwise, let us put the matter behind us and continue onward."

She sat down and her plate filled with healthy food. She sighed. Even the house elves were on Tom's side in smothering her with care. She knew though it was because he truly loved her and the attack had scared him half to death. He had woke up from nightmares the past two nights dragging her to him and wrapping around her as he reassured himself she was alive and well.

She sighed when the owls arrived delivering mail, packages and the papers. She fed the Prophet owl a bit of bacon before flipping open the paper. She wasn't sure how bad the article was going to be. Madame Bones had coldly stated that they may be sovereign ground, but they were still British citizens as were their students and they had better not react so violently in the future or they'd lose the friendly relations they currently held with her department.

Hari had murmured appropriately understanding words while Tom had stared at the head of the DMLE with a carefully blank expression. He could care less if she were friendly toward them or not; threats to his family would be taken care of.

Madame Bones had met his gaze and saw the implacable resolve to protect his family. She wondered, not for the first time, if he was truly the grandson of the Dark Lord or the Dark Lord himself having somehow regained a youthful appearance. She had a feeling that it was the latter and that filled her with dread and only recounting to herself the good things he was doing at Hogwarts now kept her from complete panic. Looking at him now, though, she was certain that he would revert to his vicious ways if that was what it took to protect Hari and their child.


Two days ago the new Lady Slytherin, half owner of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the castle and the lands surrounding it including the Forbidden Forest and the village of Hogsmeade was attacked by seventh year Ronald Billius Weasley.

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