Chapter 42 : Misunderstandings

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Hermione inhaled softly as she connected – truly connected – to her magic for the first time. The warmth coursing through her body, tingling just under her skinthe eagerness to do her bidding was amazing. A tear slipped down her cheek. She had been denied this for six years because of the Light's bias kept the dark purebloods from sharing these rituals and methods of meditation with muggleborn because of resentment. Dark because the light purebloods didn't use them anymore.

She opened her eyes and stared at the silvery eyed blonde watching her intently. "I'm finally starting to feel like a witch instead of just a muggle that can do magic. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Draco held up a book, smirking when her eyes lit with hunger. "History of the time before the statue of secrecy. The ways that we can no longer practice because muggles feared them. Practices we still cannot perform even though muggles aren't even aware of us any longer. You want to correct wrongs, Ms. Granger. Here." Draco thrust the book at her.

Hermione flushed as she took the book. Draco, Daphne and several other purebloods had finally after four heated debates made her understand that house elves would die without the bond between them and wizards. Yes, their conditions could be improved, but setting them free was genocide.

Draco stood and offered her a hand up releasing her hand as soon as she was on her feet. Hermione shifted uneasily. She knew he didn't like her and was only trying to educate her so there was one less person against the Dark. "Is it okay for me to teach other muggleborn how to connect to their core?"

He shrugged. "Sure. It will help if any of you want to try a personal meditation at Samhain."

Hermione bit her lip. "Can we? Will we connect to anyone or is that connection for those with magical ancestors?"

Draco fought back his sneer. She was being sincere. It wasn't her fault this information had been kept from her. If it took using muggleborn to get the old ways reinstated then he would use them. It didn't mean he had to like them or even consider them equals. "Somewhere in the past you most likely have magical ancestors. Has anything been said about when you're scheduled to go to Gringotts for Inheritance testing?"

"No. I imagine the furor over the werewolf issue, You Know Who dying and the rumors of no confidence on the minister has taken precedence." She shook her head. "I really can't believe Fudge was so stupid. If you are going to take bribes, don't keep records and don't talk about it over the public floo system."

Draco snorted. "Don't forget the tawdry affairs." The Daily Prophet had posted all of Fudges indiscretions this morning. Bribes, affairs, shady deals – it was all in black and white. The Dark Lord and Hari along with Lord Black and Draco's father were in the hastily called Wizengamot meeting for the no-confidence vote on the minister.

"I'll ask." He offered as he opened the door. "If you know your ancestors' names it is easier to connect to them."

Hermione nodded her gratitude and hurried off down the corridor. This term had already been full of upheaval and shocking revelations. Her intrinsic belief in authority had been shattered; friends had turned out to be malicious self-centered people willing to kill; the Dark had turned out to be not so evil after all.

Her entire world and system of beliefs turned upside down. She was actually glad NEWTS had been postponed. Not that she didn't have plenty of time now to study. Hari was not talking to her because she had betrayed her. Ron was dead and Ginny had her magic bound and was expelled. Ravenclaw was a very lonely place right now as no one was talking to her as they assumed she had been a part of the plotting and had just not got caught.

Tom listened to Lord Jones speaking and decided that he was glad they hadn't managed to kill the man. He had been a surprise during the werewolf session and now he was very adamantly declaiming Fudge.

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