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Arthur Weasley jumped in surprise when Hari's snowy white owl soared through the open kitchen window and landed in front of him an envelope clutched in her beak.

"Thank you, Hedwig," he murmured gently as he reached for the letter with a trembling hand.

"How dare she send us an owl!" Molly screeched. "Ungrateful, traitorous brat. James and Lily would be turning in their graves if they could see how she was acting."

"Molly. Enough. I would think they'd be more upset at your actions." Arthur studied the seal a moment – a potter's wheel. He grinned. The girl had done more than get married it seemed. He slid a finger under the seal breaking it. He took a deep breath and stared at the intelligent owl who was currently glaring at his wife.

He offered the owl a bit of bacon. "Am I in a lot of trouble, girl?"

Hedwig cocked her head at him then shook herself all over puffing her feathers out before nipping the bacon gently from his fingers.

"I guess that's a no." Arthur said with a small smile.

Hedwig blinked at him and settled down.

Arthur turned his attention to the letter.

Mr. Weasley,

I spoke with Fred and George yesterday and they said you were trying to reach me. I am behind very powerful wards. Hedwig will stay for a reply if you wish or you may tell her there is no reply and she'll return to me.

The twins said that you knew nothing of the marriage contract. I hadn't thought you did. You are too kind and honorable a man to do something so underhanded. I cannot forgive your wife or youngest son for their deceit, but I hold no ill will toward the rest of your family.

You showed me what a father should be like – kind, loving, insightful with your advice, connecting with your children and finding amusement in the mischief they found themselves in instead of berating them and trying to break their spirits.

I shall always be grateful for the time spent in your home learning from you how to be a loving, guiding parent. I hope in the years to come as I fulfill the tenets of this shocking marriage contract that I can count on you for sound parental advice since I know nothing of how to be a parent as my aunt and uncle taught their lessons with heavy hands and cruel words.

Harika Jamiel Potter

Lady Slytherin

Arthur stared at the missive in shock. He couldn't believe she not only wasn't going to press suit against his family, but that she looked to him as a father figure and wanted his advice. He stood up shakily. "I have to respond to this," he muttered distractedly.

"What did that thankless child have to say?" Molly asked waspishly.

She reached for the letter only to have Arthur hold it out of her reach.

"It is my letter, Molly. You are on thin ground at the moment so I suggest you begin to think before speaking or acting." He looked over at Hedwig. "Would you like to come to my study with me or wait outside?"

Hedwig hopped to the chair back and then fluttered to his shoulder glaring balefully at Molly.

Arthur turned to leave the kitchen and saw Ron and Ginny frozen in the doorway. He nodded brusquely at them as he left the room.

Lady Slytherin,

That is going to take some getting used to.

First let me say I am greatly ashamed of what members of my family have done to you. That they would stoop to such levels for something as frivolous as money has shook me to my core. I cannot apologize deeply enough and am stunned that you would be so forgiving.

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