Chapter 26:Meetings and Attitudes

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Tom stood after Hari left the room. "I know you are all wondering what to do this week while we revamp the curriculum. A list of new classes that will be offered as soon as I can get teachers hired will have appeared in the common rooms. For those in the sixth and seventh years if you wish you may request to stay another year or two to take advantage of the new and updated classes. Those two years will be at half cost. If cost is an issue, bring it to my or Hari's attention. Something will be worked out. We are more interested in getting you educated at the moment than adding to our already obscene vaults. Positions that will be offered to those graduating at the end of the year will also be posted. If interested, speak to the appropriate staff member. Revise. I strongly urge you do this. The classes are going to be updated that means harder."

He smirked at the groans.

"A list of rules and what is acceptable and not acceptable behavior will also be listed in the common rooms. I will state right now that the bigotry and hatred that has become prevalent between Houses will not be tolerated. Punishments will beinventive. I don't care if you are Light or Dark; Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. I don't care if you are Pureblood, half-blood or muggleborn. You are Magical. You are witches and wizards. Derogatory slurs will not be tolerated.

Some changes you will not like. Others you will. This year will be full of change and regrettably turmoil. We will survive it and come out at the end stronger and more united."

He sat down and the Hall erupted in noise. He sighed as his temples began to throb. He glanced up and down the table. Most were finished eating. He waited another five minutes then stood. "I will be in my office if anyone wishes to speak with me before the deadline. Professor Keslar, if you've a moment I have a request."

Keslar stood. "Of course, Headmaster."

The two wizards left the hall. They were silent until they reached the Headmaster's office.

Keslar watched the Dark Lord sink into the ornate chair behind the desk with a sigh and rub his forehead. He eyed the large white owl on the perch next to Fawke's perch. The owl eyed him with sharp intelligence.

"Sit, Lorcula." Tom opened his eyes. It wasn't ten o'clock and he was tired. He saw the man's stunned gaze and shifted to see what he was looking at. "Hedwig. Hari's familiar. How attached are you to Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

Keslar shrugged dragging his eyes from the owl that was twice the size a normal owl was. "I like teaching it just fine. If you need me elsewhere, I won't be upset."

"Wizarding Culture and Traditions. I think you can teach it neutrally enough. I want a comprehensive class not a Dark indoctrination."

"It will raise protests."

"Let them protest. This is my home. My land. They don't like what we teach they can ship their children to Beauxbaton or Durmstrang. That said, I want the Olde ways and Sacred Days brought back into awareness. I also want current culture and traditions taught. There will be no Halloween feast but Samhain; no Christmas but Yule. The Solstices will be honored. I want the incoming muggleborn and raised to become intimately familiar with our world. I want them to feel a part of it. Talk about the Knight Bus and the World Cup and the Wizarding Wireless. Magical slang. How to address Nobles and Heirs. Hari has a list of things that tripped her up over the years. Muggles have something called field trips where the teachers take them out into the world for firsthand experience. We may incorporate some into the class."

"Yes, my lheadmaster."

Tom grinned. "It will take getting used to. Who am I going to have problems with?"

Keslar sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I've only been here a year they still consider me an outsider. I believe you will have problems with McGonagall and Sinistra. Sinistra has never had a good thing to say about your wife. For some reason she has always taken her every action and twisted it into something negative. McGonagall is firmly Light. Dark is Evil. She tries to hide it, but she hates Slytherins. Rowe you will have problems with if you are truly seeking balance. He despises the Light."

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