Chapter 40:Healing

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Tom strode through the empty halls of Westmoor Keep and down to the dungeons. It was time he showed several of his followers how unhappy he was with them. The cells were getting full. Adler and Moshner had spent several days tracking down some of the ones known to be plotting with Bellatrix. He now had Nott, Entwhistle, Cornfoot, Jugson and Rowe down here.

He stared into the cell that had Jugson. The man was in serious agony with several metal spikes in his legs. He didn't dare pull them out or he risked bleeding to death and he knew it. Tom didn't waste his breathe talking he just pointed his wand and murmured, "Crucio."

Jugson screamed and writhed in agony as his nervous system lit on fire. The metal spikes shifting in his legs and tearing the muscles and veins further as he squirmed in agony.

Finally the curse ended only to be replaced with cutting curses, bludgeoning hexes and other dark torture curses. Tom didn't stop cursing the man until he lay unresponsive; eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.

Tom moved to the next cell and stared at the terrified wizard. "You couldn't learn your lesson, Cornfoot?"

"She has you bespelled! There is no way you would taint yourself with the filthy halfblood! You should have thanked my son instead of killing him!"

Tom sent several torture curses at the man that had him screaming himself hoarse before sending a cutting curse across his jugular.

He spent the next half hour torturing and killing Nott, Entwhistle and Rowe. There would never be mercy for those who threatened his family.

After ordering the house elves to clean up the cells, he showered before flooing to Malfoy Manor. Narcissa met him in the foyer.

"My lord," she curtseyed.

"How is Lucius?"

Her lips firmed up in pent-up anger. "He is healing, my lord."

"He hasn't told you why we staged the battle?"

"No, my lord."

"I will explain on the way to see him."

Narcissa turned and led the way to their bedroom.

"I am removing any doubt that Tom Riddle is anything other than Voldemort's grandson. We both had to be seen at the same time and in opposition to each other. In a few days, Voldemort will die. The Dark Mark will burn away. I am here today to remove Lucius' so he does not have to endure that after he did us such a great service."

Narcissa had stopped, gaping at the Dark Lord. She swallowed and recovered her composure. "That is why PoLady Slytherin injured him so severely? To give your death credence?"


"I see. I thoughtwith their past My apologies." She moved to open a nearby door. "Lucius, the Dark Lord is here to see you."

Tom moved into the room and crossed to take a chair near the bed. Lucius looked wan, but on his way to recovery. "You did an excellent job of pretending to be Voldemort, Lucius. I do believe you scared my wife into forgetting it was staged."

Lucius flushed slightly and shifted in the bed. He was uncomfortable being bedridden in front of his lord. "Thank you, my lord. I know she terrified me when she got angry. Jugson"

"Is dead."

"I made them swear not to seriously injure her. I do not know how he managed to circumvent it. Tell me she is well."

"She is fine. Exhausted. In a temper at being cosseted. I left Black and Lupin getting the brunt of it." He smirked.

Lucius chuckled.

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