Chapter 39: Death of Lord Voldemort

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Hari gazed down at her sleeping husband. Taking over and revamping Hogwarts had left them both crazily busy and exhausted. It felt like they had done nothing but work, eat and sleep since they got here.

Her gaze traced over high cheekbones, firm jaw, thick eyebrows that brooded over midnight blue eyes. Her gaze drifted lower over wide strong shoulders and a broad chest.

Fingers danced lightly over sinewy biceps before shifting to stroke over a flat abdomen.

From determined enemy to fierce loving husband – they had come so far in such a short period of time. Merlin, she loved this man so much it took her breath away. Never had she imagined feeling this much for anyone especially not Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Her fingers were now at his trim waist. The sheet rode his slim hips hiding the rest of his body from her. She flipped the offending material back exposing her husband's impressive manhood to view. With a devious grin she bent and licked the length of it.

Forget bylaws, irritating staff, rambunctious students and unhappy followers. She was going to spend the morning making love to her husband. She mouthed the head of the rapidly hardening member and smirked at the low groan she elicited.

Long fingers slid into her hair kneading lightly as she continued to suck on him. He arched upward. "Wife."


The fingers clenched.

"Good morning."

She raised off him and laughed softly. "I woke with the most amazing idea."

"Yes, it appears you did." The hand pressed her down to the leaking cock.

She licked it and smirked at the moan. Swallowing his cock again she bobbed up and down several times before shifting to kiss him.

Tom responded ardently. Kissing her with all the love he felt. His tongue dove into her mouth dueling with hers until they were breathless. Flipping them over he pressed kisses to her jaw, neck, shoulders. Reaching her breasts he cupped them and suckled first one than the other until they were heavy with desire and the nipples hard and distended. He nipped one lightly and Hari cried out bucking against him as pain/pleasure flared.

Chuckling, he slid down to lick and suck on her wet pussy. His wife had excellent ideas. This was his favorite way to start or end a day.

Hari writhed and bucked beneath Tom; her hands clutching at his shoulder, in his hair. She shrieked as he expertly drove her to orgasm. Then he was over her, kissing her fiercely as he slammed into her.

Her legs wrapped around him as they thrust and ground against each other. Each movement sending pleasure coiling, building. The air around the two powerful magicals shimmering and undulating with the magic they were throwing off.

Tom cried out as Hari came clamping down on his throbbing cock. He came as well, hot bursts of seed filling her as she clung to him.

The room glowed and the oppressive magic in the air dissipated. Tom slumped over her breathing harshly. After several minutes he rolled off her. His arm tightened about her as she snuggled against him.

"I miss doing this all over the place," she murmured.

He chuckled. "Yes. Can you imagine the trauma we would cause?"

She snickered. "Too bad sourpuss didn't last long enough to catch us somewhere. Imagine the disapproval she would have radiated."

Tom snickered.

They lay there quietly catching their breath and just enjoying being together. The baby sending out fizzy waves of contentment. Tom stroked her belly tenderly.

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