Chapter 24: Hogwarts

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The Great Hall was full of excited children. The majority were returning students greeting friends not seen over the summer and trading news and gossip. The first years had been sorted and were being made welcome into their new Houses as they gazed around the astounding room in wonder.

Many of the older students cast cautious looks at the High Table where Dumbledore sat. The articles over the summer had stripped away a lot of belief in him. His less than stellar actions and motives laid bare for all to read about. Only the fact that it was The Quibbler that was printing them let doubt exist at all.

The shocking and horrifying trial of Severus Snape had left many wondering why Dumbledore wasn't the one locked away.

Many students had returned only because the contract signed on enrollment demanded they stay until their O.W.L.S. unless expelled or medically unable to continue schooling.

He had lost his position on the ICW and the Wizengamot. The only reason he wasn't in Azkaban right now was because he had convinced them all that as horrible as the attack on Snape had been it had been done in a desperate attempt to save Potter from Voldemort. He convinced them that he honestly thought Snape was actually still loyal to Voldemort and was helping him keep Potter prisoner. He had still been forced to give an oath to appear before them when summoned after the investigation into his past actions was complete.

He was under the impression they believed him. He wasn't aware that they intended to charge him with torture, child neglect, child endangerment, attempted line theft, use of dark curses and accessory to illegal imprisonment by keeping Lord Black's innocence quiet. They were investigating how many more charges they could levy before enacting any of them.

The Board of Governors had convened and told him that they were seeking a replacement for the headmaster position and any more incidences this year would see him removed whether they had a replacement or not.

Hari Potter was being discussed as well. This was to be her final year, but she had married over the summer and the question of whether she would return or not had finally been answered. She wasn't here.

"She married You Know Who of course she isn't going to be here." Ron was saying derisively. "She wouldn't dare. Not with all the things she been saying about Dumbledore. She's probably too scared to leave their home."

"He isn't You Know Who." Parvati Patil huffed.

"And she has been out and about several times. She has claimed her Wizengamot seats and she was Champion at Professor Snape's trial." Colin Creevey added hotly.

"Even if he isn't he's admittedly a Dark Wizard." Lavender Brown sneered leaning against Ron possessively.

"And You know Who's grandson." Seamus shivered.

"Not all Dark Wizards are evil. You Brits are so" Parvati broke off as a wave of power washed over her. She turned toward the entrance apprehensively.

The great double doors had opened by themselves. A wave of power preceded the regal couple that glided through them and moved confidently up between the tables toward the headmaster.

The man was tall, slender and handsome with his square jaw, high cheekbones and dark wavy hair. He wore dark green velvet robes. He exuded confidence and power. The Slytherin and Ravenclaw crests shimmered on the left breast of his robes.

The woman barely reached his chin, but was just as entrancing and commanding a figure. Dark hair gleamed with auburn highlights and hung below her shoulder blades. Her face was delicate with high cheekbones, porcelain skin and full, pouty lips. Emerald green eyes glowed with power. The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff crests shimmered on her robes.

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