Chapter 19: Out You Go

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                                   IS HOGWARTS SAFE UNDER DUMBLEDORE'S REIGN?

Many have been outraged that I dare to even question the Headmaster's integrity. They will be further outraged that I dare to question his ability to keep our children safe while attending Hogwarts, but I beg my readers to read what has been brought to my attention before railing at me.

Following are tales that either made their way to my daughter who attends the school or that she can attest to personally. I spoke with several others students to verify facts.

We will start in 1991.

The story starts with a dire warning during the Welcoming Feast; a warning to stay away from a corridor on the third floor unless the students wanted to die a gruesome death.

That is disturbing enough. Why would something that dangerous even be in a school full of children?

During the Halloween Feast the current Defense Against Dark Arts professor, Professor Quirrell ran into the Great Hall screaming about a Troll in the dungeons then fainted.

Fainted. The Defense Against Dark Arts professor.

Dumbledore then ordered all students to their common rooms. Let's not forget the Slytherin common rooms are in the dungeons.

Aren't the wards supposed to keep dark creatures out of Hogwarts? Aren't they supposed to warn the Headmaster if a Dark Creature attacks the wards or manages crosses them? How then did the troll enter without Dumbledore being alerted?

The troll attacked a student that was in a bathroom and was saved not by professors, but by two other students.

Let's not forget the beginning of this tale. What was on the Third Floor? To start with a Cerberus. For those who don't know, a Cerberus is a fierce three headed dog.

It was guarding a trap door and only a simple locked door opened with an Alohomora kept our children away from it.

Beyond the trap door was a series of traps: Devil's Snare, a life size chess game where one student was injured, a potion's riddle that involved poisons, and dodging sharp flying keys that could piece flesh.

What was the traps (Traps three first years defeated) guarding?

A philosopher's stone.

I hear you gasping in shock, my dear readers.

Yes. Hidden within the Mirror of Erised was a Philosopher's stone. A stone capable of turning lead to gold and prolonging life.

Why was this item being hidden and guarded (poorly) at a school full of children?

Because even then Dumbledore knew that You Know Who was not dead, but disembodied.

And where was this evil shade? It had possessed Professor Quirrell.

That's right. Professor Quirrell!

The shade of You Know Who had been in Hogwarts the entire school year. Taught your children. Spoke with Dumbledore. Ate at the same table with him.

How could Dumbledore not know He was there?

I submit that he did. Why else the flimsy protection of a magical artifact that would tempt You Know Who since the stone could be used to give him back a body?

And who was severely injured keeping the stone from the shade?

Hari Potter and Ron Weasley.

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