Chapter 46: Tantrums

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Arthur looked around the Burrow as he slumped tiredly in his chair with a cup of hot tea. Bill and Charlie were visiting again and trying to help mend the breeches between Percy and the twins. Many of his failings as a father and head of house had come to light over his and Percy's dinner. They had discussed how much of a hands-off father he had been. How he'd allowed Molly to browbeat the children into the mold she wanted them in. He had a lot to make up for and he couldn't help but think that the disaster of two youngest were his fault. He had let Molly do as she wished and left the child rearing and education up to her after Bill and Charlie. They had also discussed their individual positions on many hotbed issues and the reasoning behind those beliefs. It had been eye opening on both sides.

Progress was being made though. At least Percy was willing to visit once more, he thought as he watched Fred and George speak quietly with him over in the corner. They looked quite contrite as they spoke with their older brother. Percy looked hesitant, but hopeful as he responded.

"We were complete arses," Fred admitted to Percy remorsefully. "We're sorry."

"Yeah, we were rebelling against mum's control and you got caught in the crossfire." George confessed. "We were hoping to push you into rebelling as well, but we didn't do it the right way. Sorry."

Percy shifted nervously. He wanted to believe them, but they had pranked him for so many years it was hard. He finally nodded jerkily. "Apology accepted. JustI'm not you. You need to let me be me andnot make me feel bad about it."

The two boys flushed and ducked their heads. "We can't tease you at all?" George asked with a small whine.

Percy glared at them. "Teasing and bullying are two different things. Denigrating my desires and accomplishments is not teasing. You need to stop and think if what you are about to say or do is going to make a person feel bad or not."

George opened his mouth to say something, but Fred clapped his hand over his twin's mouth. "You're right. Like when you made Prefect. We knew it was something you'd worked really hard for and you deserved the honor. We were so afraid mum would push us to do the same that we ridiculed you way too much about it. We didn't think about how hurt you would be by us not even congratulating you."

George shoved his hand away. "Fred's right. We've been helping with the abused kids at Hogwarts. It's cleared up a lot of things for us seeing it from the other side. Can you give us another chance?"

Percy bit his lip then nodded slowly. "Yes."

Fred and George grinned. "Bring Penelope next time. We'll behave."

Percy looked relieved. "I will."

Bill and Charlie clapped them on the shoulders. "Enough emotional crap. What do you all think of the changes happening at the ministry and at Hogwarts?" Charlie asked as they prodded their younger brothers over to join their father.

"Father is doing an excellent job of correcting a lot of the favoritism in the ministry," Percy stated then he frowned slightly. "He is making enemies though."

"Enemies?" Bill asked worriedly as they sat down.

Arthur sighed. "It was expected. I'm telling pompous aristocrats that they can't hire their nephews and grandchildren just because they are family. I'm telling those that have ridden their family names all their lives that they have to actually do their job or get fired. We've put together an employment questionnaire based on skills needed not connections made."

Percy sniggered then flushed when his brothers gaped at him. "You should see the chaos. Everyone is at a loss and walks around looking completely befuddled. The only ones not losing their minds are the lower levels that were actually doing the work all along."

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