Chapter 36: Bottom of it

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"Wandless magic is not too hard to learn. What do you think accidental magic is? It does take discipline and most can only do low power spells because they won't spend the time necessary to stretch and control their cores but with a bit of effort and determination you can learn summoning spells, lumos, opening and locking spells. Once you get the hang of channeling your magic without a wand it becomes easier. The more you push yourself the more spells you can do." Hari explained to Casi Mystrain, a Hufflepuff child of a Death Eater.

"So why are we taught that it is too hard?"

"Think about it. Right now all the ministry has to do to render you helpless is take away your wand. Why would the ministry – "


The spell hit Hari knocking her over the railing. Shock at being attacked within Hogwarts delayed her response. After a second or two she started to reach out with her magic to slow herself down. Her head hit the railing below her before she could do much knocking her out.

Screams filled the stairwell as students watched Lady Slytherin fall from the sixth floor. Many hands reached for her but she was too far away or falling too fast for them to grab her.

Screams of agony joined the panicked screams as the Family magic reacted to Ron Weasley's attack. Ron grasped his chest as fiery agony exploded from inside his chest. He fell to the floor writhing. It felt as if a volcano was erupting inside of him – consuming him. The fire intensified and spread outward. His face was a rictus of pain as he screamed until he had no breath left to scream with. The agony didn't abate though. His whole body was on fire.

He screamed mentally long after he actually quit screaming. He hadn't thought his father would actually enact the Family magic against him. He didn't think anything would happen. Make it stop! He screamed and begged for relief but no one could hear him except Magic herself and she wasn't listening. He had tried to kill the one that would help save Her and he would suffer and die for that betrayal.

Tom felt pain explode in his head then Hari's consciousness disappeared. "Hari!" He grasped the back of his head as he stumbled. He staggered to his feet; his magic reaching for his wife as he gained his balance and began running.

Snape heard the screaming from the main stairwell. He raced around the corner to see Hari falling down the well.

Tom shoved past him running up the stairs wand clutched in his hand. His magic flared out and up toward her even as he began casting desperately trying to slow her fall.

Draco whipped ropes around his legs and the railing and leaped out after her. "NO!" He cried when his fingers held mere seconds on her foot before slipping. Tom's magic wrapped around her slowing her fall slightly, but not enough. He poured more power into his spell watching as her fall slowed even more.

Snape shook off his shock. He moved. With no thought to himself he engaged his inheritance. Blurring he moved so fast, he raced to the third floor landing, dodging the students crowded around watching horrified as Hari fell and leaped out over the vast opening. He soared out enveloping the unconscious girl in his embrace.

There was a loud furious screech and a huge white bird appeared high above them streaking downward. Students stumbled back from furious monstrous owl.

Three floors! Sweet Merlin someone stop their fall! Severus prayed as he shifted them so he would land first. Large talons gripped into his robes, slicing into his sides as Hedwig tried to stop their fall. Her large wings cut through the air as she tried to bear both their weights.

Hogwarts shifted stairs so he had something to land on. His robes tore free from Hedwig's talons several feet above the landing and they plummeted. He curled around her as they fell to the landing below. He cried out as the railings caught him across his ribs and shattered beneath their weight. He tightened his hold on Hari as they hit the landing and rolled to crash into the far railing.

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