Chapter 21: Trial

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Severus entered Courtroom 10 not alone and treated as if already found guilty, but surrounded by those who believed his innocence.

That Lucius Malfoy strode in beside him wasn't a surprise to anyone. That Arthur Weasley, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin along with Harika Potter and her husband, Lord Slytherin accompanied the dour man shocked many.

All but Hari stopped at the edge of the center pit as Severus covered the remaining distance to the judgment chair.

"Madam Bones, I present myself to you as I swore to do."

"Please be seated Mr. Snape. Lady Slytherin is there a reason for your presence within the pit?"

"Yes, Madam Bones. As it appears Professor Snape is to be chained," she gave the manacled chair a look of absolute detestation, "and therefore unable to protect himself, I declare myself his Champion during this trial. Any who lose their temper and attempt to harm him illegally shall have to contend with me first. My husband shall vote my seats as my proxy in this case."

Snape barely managed to conceal his shock. He daren't turn to look at the Dark Lord. He knew though that his lord no matter how relaxed he appeared was drawn tight, hyperaware while his young wife and unborn child was exposed to even the small amount of danger present here.

Others didn't have his control and a wave of murmurings swept the room. The Savior was championing a known Death Eater? Dumbledore had vouched for his change of heart but most didn't truly believe it and it was known that Snape had been cruel to Potter over the years.

Madam Bones stared down at the young witch. "At another time I may have been offended at the idea of the old custom being activated, but knowing what I do I understand why you have done so."

"Old customI am not aware of any such custom." Minister Fudge blustered. "Unless she is counsel she should take a seat."

"If I may," Lord Slytherin spoke up from where he had taken a stance at the edge of the pit instead of moving to take a seat in the Slytherin box. "In olden days it was not uncommon for those proven innocent or about to reveal information others did not want revealed to be struck down while defenseless. Oft times in a crowd such as this the assailant was never seen. The idea of a Champion was enacted in 1273 to provide a measure of safety to the accused."

"Ah, yes, thank you Lord Slytherin. We shall proceed then." Fudge did not want to cross the enigmatic young lord that radiated power. "Be seated Mr. Snape."

Snape sat in the chair with a grimace. The chains rattled then rose to wrap around his wrists and ankles.

Hari flicked her wand and a shield flared up around him immediately.

"Lady Slytherin, a shield is a draining thing to maintain."

"Thank you for your concern, Madam. I'll be fine."

Murmurs of arrogance and seeing her humbled intermingled with questions about her power levels whirled about the room.

"Severus Snape you are accused of attacking Albus Dumbledore, Alastair Moody and John Dawlish resulting in the death of Moody and Dawlish. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty."

Fudge stared at him. "You deny killing Dawlish and Moody."

"I deny killing Alastair Moody. John Dawlish I killed in self-defense."



"Mr. Snape are you a Death Eater?"

Severus sighed and ducked his head a moment then raised it to look the Wizengamot members in the eyes. "As a youth I was misled and took the Mark, I admit to that. Before I turned eighteen I realized the mistake I made and turned to Albus Dumbledore for sanctuary and a way to make amends. I have spied on the Dark Lord for him ever since."

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