Chapter-11, The Prophet

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Everyone in the office of the Daily Prophet paused when the receptionist announced in a shaky voice, "Ms. Vaust, Lord and Lady Slytherin are here to see you."

Robin Vaust looked up from the article she was writing and swallowed as she caught a glimpse of the mysterious Lord Slytherin. Power and ire seemed to emanate from the man. She jumped to her feet and went to greet them.

"Lord and Lady Slytherin, how may I help you?"

Tom stared at the young reporter. "You have been writing some articles insinuating ugly things about myself and my wife. Myself, I would have ignored you. I will not tolerate the insinuations against my wife. We have come to set the record straight."

Robin shivered at the dark threat implicit in his voice. "I assure you I did not mean"

"Yes, you did." Hari snapped. "The Prophet has always delighted in skewering me while expecting me to just take it and be a good little Savior."

Robin winced at the bitterness in the young witch's voice. It was easy to roast someone that was an abstract figure. Rita Skeeter had indeed written some very ugly things about Potter over the years before she had disappeared last year. Not one clue as to what happened to her had been found yet. Robin had taken the rumors and gossipy insinuations and ran with them. Sensationalism sold. "Perhaps we should continue this in an interview room?"

Tom studied her momentarily before nodding. They followed her through the silent office. Everyone noticed the possessive placement of his hand on his wife's back and the way his magic flared out warning everyone not to attempt to harm them. The female reporters also noticed his broad shoulders, trim hips, wavy chestnut hair and cobalt eyes. The man was gorgeous. The male reporters noticed long curling raven hair, bright emerald eyes, high cheek bones, nice sized breasts, tiny waist and curving hips. She was beautiful. Together they were stunning.

Robin waited for Lord Slytherin to settle his wife in a chair and sit himself before she sank into a chair. "Would you like tea?"

Hari nodded slightly. "Yes, please."

Robin called an elf and soon they were sipping tea. "I apologize if I implied something untrue in my articles. The public is understandably intrigued about the sudden marriage and the rumors surrounding the both of you."

Hari set her teacup down on the saucer in a very controlled manner. She looked up at Ms. Vaust with icy emerald eyes. "I understand that the entirety of wizarding Britain is full of gossipy old witches and wizards whose lives are obviously so boring that they have nothing better to do than dig up or create dirt on me. I understand that the magical people in Britain have felt free to make up stories about me ever since my parents died without concern about how they would affect me. I understand that you all feel free to imply that I either am already evil or going evil while at the same time expecting me to save you from one the most insane and powerful wizards of recent times. I understand that the Prophet could care less about the truth as long as sensationalism makes a better profit."

"Now see here, I don't care who you are, you can't come in here and insult the Prophet!" Robin exclaimed indignantly.

"Why not?" Tom asked, leaning back and crossing his legs. He rested his cup on his leg. "You do it day after dayhurting people, mudding reputations, spreading lies."

Robin glared at him.

Tom glared back. He was the Dark Lord. No upstart reporter would ever come close to out staring him.

Robin glanced away from the steely gaze. "The people have a right"

"The people have no right to invade my privacy and spread malicious lies about me!" Hari shouted furiously. The floor to ceiling windows of the interview room exploded outward.

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