Chapter-8,Weasleys and new followers

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Hari was surprised when Tom said that he was going with her along with Barty Crouch Jr. and Michael Adler. She raised an eyebrow. "You do realize we're going to Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes? A prankster store. You have to pretty much leave dignity at the door."

"I realize." He ground out.

"You could stay here. I know how you are about your dignity."

"Someone has convinced me that being dignified doesn't mean that one can't loosen up at times. It is my opinion not others that matter."

"A wise person."

He mock-glared at her.

She gave him an amused look. "And they aren't going to be comfortable around you at first."

Tom stared at her. "Are you telling them who I am?"

"Well, I wasn't going to just blurt it out. I was going to get an Oath of Secrecy so they couldn't blab even on accident especially Neville. He's pretty loyal to me, but this might stretch that too thin. My two godfathers, the twins and Luna – these people I trust implicitly. I don't keep secrets from them. You have your Inner Circle. I have mine."

"I reserve the right to obliviate whoever doesn't take it well." Tom said firmly.

Hari nodded after a long moment. "Okay. I don't like obliviating friends, but I understand the need."

Tom pulled her into his embrace and apparated them to Diagon Alley. The others appeared beside them.

As they strolled down the alley Hari regaled them all with stories from when Hagrid brought her here and she didn't know why everyone was greeting her and shaking her hand to her meeting with Draco at Madam Malkin's. She had them chuckling when she talked about Lockhart's book signing. She told them about blowing up 'aunt' Marge and spending the rest of the summer at the Leaky and how Florean Fortescue gave her free ice cream and chatted with a lonely thirteen year old witch.

Tom kept his hand on the small of her back possessively as they strolled down the Alley. Her stories were amusing and they were making her likeable to his followers. They were getting to know her personally and it seemed these two at least liked her.

She told them how she'd been nervous the first time she floo'd from the Burrow to Diagon Alley and had rushed the words ending up in Knockturn Alley, hiding in the cabinet in Borgin and Burkes before fleeing into the dark alley scared out of her mind until Hagrid had stumbled upon her and led her back to Diagon.

Even Tom grinned at that story.

"So, Lady Slytherin do any of the shops give you special pricing as the Girl Who Survived?" Adler asked curiously as he swept an experienced eye over the crowd that was eyeing them with different levels of interest.

Hari grinned at him not even acknowledging the attention. She had been gawked at since her first day in the magical world. "The Eeylops Emporium gives me free treats for Hedwig, Scribner's sometimes gives me free ink and Fortescue's gives me free ice cream."

The two men perked up. "And those with you?"

Hari laughed. "Sometimes as long as they don't go crazy with their order."

They stopped outside the twins' shop. "Okay, if you stroll in too slowly or, Merlin forbid, pause in the doorway you will get pranked. I've seen everything from rainbow hair to fluorescent pink polka-dots all over to becoming a chicken for several minutes."

Tom eyed the shop warily with an inward sigh. Undignified, but he could unbend a little, he supposed. "Then we should dart in quickly, yes?"

She grinned at how well he was taking this. She twined her fingers in his. "Yes."

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