Chapter-3,Wedding Night

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This chapter contains scenes of sex , I will mention it but you have been warned and after this chapter there will be more scenes.


Dumbledore jumped and spilled ink across his document when one of his objects started shrilling. He looked over at it uncomprehending for a moment then he dashed from his office so fast he was at the bottom of the stairs before the door shut. He raced from the school toward the gates. The moment he crossed the line he apparated to #4 Privet Drive.

He stared in shock and disbelief. The wards had fallen. Anger quickly replaced shock.

He glanced over at the invisible watcher. "What happened?"

A young witch appeared. "Nothing, sir. It's been quiet."

"Nothing? Nothing, Nymphadora? The wards have fallen. Something had to have happened. Stay here. Watch for Death Eaters I'll be right back."

He strode up to the door and slammed it open with a flick of his wand. He flicked his wand at the obese man who came roaring from the kitchen. The muggle fell to the floor. He didn't have time to deal with the muggles at the moment. He swiftly climbed the stairs and went directly to the bedroom he pretended not to know about.

Another swish of the Elder wand and the locks all clicked and the door swung open. Dumbledore entered and stared around the empty room. He noted the bedraggled owl in the cage. So the girl would be back. He turned and made his way downstairs. He floated the bloated man to the sofa and woke him up. "Where is Potter?" He snapped.

"The Freak is in her room. How dare you barge into my home! I won't have"

Dumbledore silenced him. "She is not in her room. She is nowhere on your property. Where. Is. She?" He dove into the disgusting morass of the muggle's mind. He searched brutally. They hadn't opened the door in three days. Wait a letter from the ministry? What was that about?

No matter how he probed the useless muggle knew nothing more than the girl was rambling about a contract of some sort.

She had to be lying. There were no contracts on Potter. He had checked her accounts himself. What was the girl up to and who was helping her?

Dumbledore removed the silencing spell as he left the house. He sent a patronus out to Order members. Potter is missing. Wards have fallen. Meet at Headquarters immediately.

"Headquarters. Now, Nymphadora."

He didn't wait for a response. He disapparated fully expecting complete obedience.

Tonks glared in anger at the space Dumbledore had disappeared from. She was getting really tired of his high-handed ways and his complete disregard for her preferred name. Grumbling under her breath, she disappeared as well.

Fifteen minutes later, the kitchen at 12 Grimmauld Place was full of people talking over themselves.

"Silence!" Dumbledore roared. "Potter is missing. There are no signs of an attack or a struggle. The wards have fallen which means she has deliberately denied 4 Privet Drive is her home. The owl is still there so either she was taken or intends to return."

"So the brat has run away from the only place she was protected? Did they not buy her the latest item she desired quickly enough?" Snape snarled. "And now you'll want us to put aside our other projects and search for her ungrateful hide?"

"Shut up, Snape!" Sirius growled. "Hari wouldn't leave that hellhole without a good reason."

"And since she no longer confides in Mr. Weasley or Miss Granger I have to hope she wrote to you, Sirius." Dumbledore said. "Has she indicated anything at all in her recent correspondence?"

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