Chapter 1

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BEFORE READING : please read the disclaimers from the previous chapter before proceeding.

sigma certainly is different from other ABO books. i have added my own made up elements in this book. assuredly, when i started this book, i had not developed my own writing style. i am still working on it though. however, the first few chapters are unedited. they contain some grammatical errors. but i can assure you that i improved with every chapter. im not editing my mistakes at the moment because it will help me to see how much i improved as a writer.

thank you!

Sigma rule #1
Rage is not required


Jeon Jungkook, a seventeen-year-old Alpha boy, was sitting in front of his parents. They were having a convene with the Sigma family living next door. He tch'ed internally, eyeing his Dad smirk at him teasingly.

"Koo will love to stay with Taehyung! He loves him!"

'Love him? HAH! He ridicules me all the time. AND LOVE HIM? WHOA! unbelievable!' Jungkook pondered to himself, mocking his father in his head.

'Wait and watch TaeTae! I will make your life a living hell!' The alpha thought with a smirk playing on his lips. He had all the pranks planned to play on his lifetime crush-- well, that's what they said.

"I know that very well, Jaehyung. KooKoo loves TaeTae way too much." Taehyung's dad, Kim Taemin, muttered, laughing at Jungkook, who looked like he would bore holes on them.

For a moment, everyone present in the living room stared at Jungkook. And the moment later, all of them laughed at the boy, who huffed audibly.

Just then, the doorbell rang, making Jungkook's heart burst into Lil Lil hearts. He saw a tall alpha entering the room,

"JIN HYUNG!" Jungkook grinned instantly and ran towards the older, who had just entered the place. He jumped on him, wrapping his legs around his waist, making Jin stumble back, trying to balance himself.

"Ahh, Ko-Koo, you are heavy now!" Jin said, making Jungkook pout but smile later when he saw the older smile at him.

"I'm eating well!" The young alpha proudly proclaimed.

"I c-can see that, haha," Jin placed him on the marble floor softly and muttered, bopping the Lil one's nose.

Kim Seokjin was his older brother-- five years older and much taller than him. Jungkook, being a growing alpha, was comparatively smaller than his adult Hyungs.

"What's the matter? Why are they here?" Jin questioningly whispered as he didn't know about the matter. The Alpha male stayed in the University dorms and only showed up every weekend.

Jungkook played with his fingers slightly and then pulled the older towards the kitchen, "They are asking me to become TaeTae's housemate!" Jungkook looked down and exclaimed. Jin chuckled loudly at that, making Jungkook huff again.

"All the b-best!" He laughed fondly at his brother. "I hate him, Hyung!!" The younger of them whined.

"Sure-Sure, if that's what you think," Jin chuckled, patting Jungkook's head.

"But why so? Why are you suddenly shifting?" He asked out of curiosity because he knew that Taehyung lived alone.

"He is in the third year of High School, and I'm in the second year. So, the four of them discussed and concluded that it would be better if I lived with a senior and take in from his routine." Jungkook reasoned, huffing out of habit.

"Taehyung isn't that bad, booboo." Jin bent down and cupped his face, brushing their noses. "You can always learn from him," Jin said in an assuring tone, and just then Jungkook saw something in Jin's eyes that looked a little, "Sus".

Jin widened his eyes at the deadly look he received from the younger.

"Tell me, who is the imposter," Jungkook whispered deadly and continued.

"What are you hiding? Why is everyone suddenly putting Taehyung and me together?" He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"What are you talking about?" Jin laughed, pushing Jungkook back. Jungkook stumbled, and his back bumped into someone's chest.

"Seems like someone can't even handle themselves." The person whispered near Jungkook's ears. The younger turned around to see the last person he expected to see.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? OH MY GOD! MY ENEMY IS IN MY TERRITORY!!" He lifted his fist, cracking his knuckles and neck, getting ready for a fight.

Taehyung, the 19-year-old male Sigma male, stood there with a bored expression while holding the younger's wrist, who was trying his best to hit his nose.

"I'm here to take the baby, whom I will be babysit."

"What!? I'm moving today?" Jungkook asked in frustration.

How is that possible? He had to pack his clothes, then had to buy a new banana milk maker, his wolf-wolf slippers, and also had to get rid of the microwave phobia--

"Well, Uncle Jeon wanted you to see the apartment first. So yeah, come with me." Taehyung said, getting straight to the point, breaking the chain of the younger's thoughts. He held Jungkook's wrist as he dragged him out.


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