Chapter 37

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#Sigma rule 37

Love comes from respect. 


Taehyung woke up, not feeling any warmth beside him. He squinted his eyes and casually opened them before turning around to the window. It was still foggy outside, but he could pick up the birds chirping their songs. The guy leaned over to the side lamp to pick up his phone to see the time.

It was five-thirty in the dawn. The sigma got up from the bed to look for his mate. The bathroom was empty and so was the gallery. Thinking that perhaps the lad was thirsty since the jar had run out, he strode down towards the kitchen. To his surprise, a lot of them were up; some were in the garden, the ladies were in the kitchen, and—some were missing, including Jungkook.

He shuffled over to his mom solely to ask her about his mate after wishing her a goodie-goodie morning. He learned that the few alphas, who were competing in the treasure hunting, went to the jungle to explore it—before the game commenced.

(play : love me like you do)

What was next? Taehyung drove his earphones into his ears and commenced striding towards the woods behind the resort.

You're the light, you're the night.

You're the color of my blood.

You're the cure, you're the pain.

Taehyung felt the lyrics to the core as continued wandering over the dried leaves. Closing his eyes, he inhaled the air to follow the scent of his mate, his alpha. Pursuing the delightful smell of lavenders, he mounted to the waterfall. He gaped at the scenery.

He could see Jin, Soobin, and other alphas— assuredly their cousins, shrieking and discussing things with one another under the water. But he still couldn't see his alpha around. Jin was the one to spot him remaining near the bushes; sneering at him, he pointed his thumb expeditiously towards his left.

Taehyung was quick to follow his signal, as he practically flew towards the told direction, stretching his t-shirt out from the back. To the left was a pond, settled at a high level than the river.

Wet hair slumping over his shoulders, his glinting milky rear. He looked dazzling, even though Taehyung couldn't see his face. His splendid fingers were over the edge of the pond as he leaned in. The mountains, the waterfall, the moon, and the sun collectively in the sky did wonders to his beauty, to his enchanting body. So alluring, so spellbinding was Jungkook. 

The sigma quietly jumped into the water. Swimming underwater, he reached Jungkook. The former heard a stunned gasp when he nonchalantly kissed his belly underwater before rising up. Binding his arms around his half-naked body, Taehyung kissed the fellow passionately.

Tangling lips and tongues, Taehyung curved Jungkook back as he pushed his whole weight over him, devouring himself to him. The moment they paused, Taehyung panting hard, whispered, "I missed you,"

It would have been a lie if Jungkook appeared not to feel anything. It would have been a lie if Jungkook determined not to feel his face blazing. Picking up all the courage he had at that moment, he mumbled by his collar, still being wrapped up around Taehyung, "But I was with you the whole night and before."

The sigma didn't respond, instead, connect their lips further. "I can't be a moment without you anymore," he charged, staring into Jungkook's eyes. He saw everything in them. He watched their past in those eyes. He could see their future—he could see himself in those orbs. He could see the younger's enlarged pupils.

It didn't take a moment for Taehyung to connect his lips to his neck, marking him again and again. Scenting him further and further. His heartfelt full, so full of tenderness and love. So full of Jungkook. So full of his smell, so full of a smile.

"Love me,"

"I already do,"

"Be mine."

"All of me is already."

"Jungkook, mark me. Mark me as if there's so tomorrow. Mark me, my love." 




After getting back to their stay villa, all of them rested for a bit before sticking around for the clock to strike three in the afternoon. As rapidly as it did, everybody except for the elders assembled in the living room. Since Jungkook won yesterday, he was given the advantage of choosing any one or two sigmas for his team.

But the sigmas kept bickering on and on, not letting him and his team decide. Jungkook, putting all of his weight on his right leg, placed his palm over his left hip. He snapped his fingers before—"Listen here, you pineapple sigma" Jungkook aggressively rolled his eyes. Jin, from Jungkook's side, murmured something into his ears. "We want Yoongi Hyung on our team," the younger alpha deadpanned, drawing a loud cheer from Yoongi. 

"Thank you, Jungkook-ah. I honestly don't want to be with these losers," the elder sigma murmured, earning a chest slap from Jimin, who growled vehemently at his husband's remark. "Yoongi, you little traitor!" Namjoon asserted vociferously. 

"I was about to kick him out, anyway." Taehyung, who was resting behind his brother, shot a glare at sigma who left their side and moved to the Alphas. "Anyone else you guys need?" Yeonjun suggested, expecting it to be him—the man was already whipped for Soobin. 

Jungkook scowled at him. If he had to announce a name for the sigmas, it would have been—the whipped dogs. Jungkook tsk'ed at him before hearing two narrow-deep voices uttering together "why don't you take me in your team" And there Namjoon and Taehyung were all ready to leave their own team— It was Jimin, who smacked their heads from the back. 

"Ain't you two simps?" the shorter male bounced up before enclosing his arm joints around the men's collar, inducing them to choke, dramatically. "As if you're not, shorty." Jimin rolled his eyes comically, "At least I am not following my mate like a lost puppy," he murmured to them. Not wishing the opposite fellas to hear them.

"It's love, you dummy!" Namjoon whispered as he smirked foolishly, watching Jin murmuring commands to the other alphas of his team.

Their talks and pointless debates were interrupted by Granny Jeon and Kim, who ascended down the stairs with the first hint in their palms.

Granny Kim gave hers to the sigmas and Grammy Jeon to the alphas. 


Who will win? Choose your side! 

Alphas >>

Sigmas >> 

Fifty hearts here and I will update again tomorrow. (that's impossible but-- let's be delusional for a bit lolol) >>

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