Chapter 17

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Sigma rule #17

Catch the lie and confront it. 


Taehyung, leaning on his left palm, observed his Lil one sleeping beside him. A small smile had crept his lips. The male boop'ed the younger one's nose and then tenderly caressed his beard cheeks.

Surely, the male was soft only when it came to Jungkook. Can you believe the man who considers money to be the most important thing spent his whole saved pocket money for the younger one's Christmas? It was not like he regretted it. The smile on Jungkook's face while opening those gifts will be worth it all, he thought.

Taehyung leaned in and pecked the lad's forehead, gently, not to wake up the younger. Jungkook unconsciously turned towards the elder one, mumbling something. When Taehyung leaned down to hear the younger he heard

"police uncle, please hold him..."

Taehyung frowned and moved nearer to the younger "No No he- he ate my ice creams" Taehyung silently chuckled but promptly tch'ed when he heard "Yeah Yeah bad sigma"

Taehyung turned around in the opposite direction. "tsk me? getting grabbed by the police for eating your ice cream?" Taehyung peeked behind and saw the younger smiling lightly in his dream

'At least he is dreaming about you' Taehyung's sigma spoke making the male feel better. "Yeah Yeah" Taehyung tch'ed again but with a smirk. He whirling around to hear the younger's dream again

"TaeTae!!" Jungkook lightly muttered, and the latter wrapped his arms around him to listen to him clearly, "How can you go without mhm mhm" Taehyung confusedly looked at Jungkook "You can't kissw me like that hmph" the boy faintly murmured making the guy who was peering at him, grinning widely

'at least I kissed him in his dream' He thought to himself, feeling proud.

Just then, the elder one's phone tinged. He slides through his messages and it was Jin 


You better tell him before it's too late.

Your flight is in ten days.

Taehyung sighed and again turned around towards the male, who was now clinging to his chest. "So, you're up" the elder ran his fingers through his hair and asked "hmm" Jungkook replied poking his chest lightly "Ask already" the elder male peeked below at the boy who glanced up, raising his brows. It seemed like the boy had something to say.

Jungkook rolled above him and placed his chin over his chest. "Hyungie" Jungkook whispered. Taehyung was taken aback by this move, but finally, he wrapped his arms around the male who was lying above him now.

Jungkook lifted his chin from the latter's chest and looked straight into the elder one's eyes.


"Hmm?" Taehyung responded right away. The younger bought his lips nearer to him and brushed them against his lips. The elder groaned loudly before flipping around, causing the younger to slip below him.

The sigma male lifted his brows and the other male pouted, "So? what were you about to say?"

"Nothing!" the Alpha pouted merely to get it kissed away by the black-haired male "mhmm!!" Jungkook protested prominently when the elder chuckled and grinned teasingly and the boy gave in the other second. 





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