Chapter 41

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for a better experience, please listen to "out of love" by alessia cara. 

Sigma rule #41

You don't fall in love. You rise in it. 


Under the gleaming moon, the flowers dance along with the air. The gentle music of the earth cures and heals the wounds. The rain that pours itself upon the leaves, jumps and sings to the calmness. The lullaby of mother nature cleanses the curses.

A tale of hopelessly being in love is being written. A story of an alpha and a sigma rectifying one another, leading one another. Nature writes their history, the droplets of the sinking rains, the shedding leaves, the shaft of white puffs upon the overshadowed ones — drafts their story. The fluttering birds; the rainbows — like the arrow by the heart that fills their world with love, with color. 

The room was filled with the sole vibration of the rhythmic heart-beats until the love-making blows reverberated in the room. Fingers were intertwined against the soft mattress, a slivery silk-covered their lower bodies from the glowing moon. Taehyung kissed Jungkook with care, with affection, with the need for love. And undoubtedly got it back.

Every touch felt so gentle, so rich in emotions. The sigma couldn't think of anything other than his mate's words promptly from the wedding — that he was ready to be patient with him. The wet muscles danced against one another, not really fighting for dominance but for the feelings. Their eyes were closed, but the smiles kept lingering over their lips.

Every notion they felt did not cause them to fall in love but rise in love. If this were a poem. I would say, metaphorically, they were levitating over the bed, with gleaming bodies. Making love, causing the blues to disappear.

Jungkook, closed-eyed, pressed the male against himself, biting his lips in pain — the former immediately placed tender kisses over his face. Soothing him and leading to mere pain that accompanies the pleasure. The pleasure of love, the pleasure of driving devotion.

The erstwhile gave a sloppy lick on his neck. And when he drew a soft whimper from the latter — he lifted his face from the crook of his neck to stare at him. The fellow mouthed him to move. And he did. He moved slowly into Jungkook.

Toes curled up, nails left marks over Taehyung's rear. The lips met repeatedly when the alpha male started to let out whimpers of pain. Shortly, it was gone; the pain was gone. The particular thing remaining was the pleasure and the desire—sending electrical yet cloudy waves in their midriff. Jungkook couldn't help, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed, overjoyed, overly cherished and more. Taehyung's feelings on the other side were no different.

The praises only made their hearts to pound even faster. Every bead of tear was being kissed away. There wasn't a part of Jungkook's body that Taehyung's hand and lips did not touch. Their bodies moved along with their harmonious heart-beats. Taehyung let out of a grunt before steadily fastening his actions.

Not for once did the two close their eyes now. They observed one another with pleasured faces. With every thrust Jungkook let out a light chuckle, watching his man grinning so sheepishly, so purely. The musical moans only got louder, the actions only got bolder.

They were their firsts and will be their last too. Taehyung flipped Jungkook over to himself — merely to lead the man to ride him. He was now under the younger. And kept scanning at the curves of his mate. His love was too beautiful to be true. . .  

Jungkook's dainty fingers ran all over Taehyung's chest. The alpha leaned down to plant hundreds and hundreds of pecks and marks over his sigma. Taehyung could simply moan breathily, enjoying the lips to the core. "I love y-you."

"I love you too, m-my love." Taehyung proclaimed before placing his palms over to Jungkook's arse and flipping over again. This time, every shove came out of passion and they only got nearer to their ejection when his alpha seized him even tighter, against himself. "I love you s-so so much," every pant the former dropped was engulfed in when the younger, on his elbows, got up solely to cup his mate's face and attach their lips thereafter again.

Who was Taehyung to complain? Five years, all these past years — he missed having his alpha beside him. He missed grazing him, goofing with him. Oh, and how much he missed to be under the shade of his love. He could feel — feel what the Jungkook was conveying through the kiss. With every lip movement against Taehyung's, the younger disclosed how much he longed for him, too.

The whole night, Jungkook laid over his sigma's chest — tracing the marks he gave him; kissing them again and again, the boy kept inquiring if they hurt? The former only swung his head with a sweet smile and continued to run his slender fingers through the latter's locks.

Holding each other's warmth, they did not realize when did they fell asleep. When the sky turned navy blue, right before the sun could rise, Jungkook stirred up. His naked body shuddered due to the dawn breeze. The alpha perched up facing the window — watching the yellow-meadows dance to the songs of the birds.

The shadow of the blue sky was stumbling over to the lands. The male lightly smiled, studying the beautiful view. He then bent down to take over the fluffy blanket for his mate and himself. The fellow still remained seated, facing the window on the bed. 

Taehyung sighed, finally feeling warm but not the warm body he had been holding the whole night. He squinted his eyes open and met with his mate's elegantly curved and marked back. He appeared to not realize it when he commenced running his fingers over his back.

Smoother than honey, he was. Softer than cotton, he felt. The younger of the two turned his head towards the former and smiled along with his eyes — causing Taehyung's world to beam. The said male sat up and shuffled beside his partner.

None of the two broke the tender-held gaze. It was Taehyung who leaned in to place a smooch over the other's forehead. Jungkook couldn't help but present his bunny- teeth. The mere sentiment that was being bloomed was—the flowers of love — which claimed the cacoons freed butterflies that held tenderness to flutter over them. 


And Love. 

Just Love. 



It was ten in the morning, everybody was standing by the door of their stay-villa; bidding byes to Namjoon and Jin for their honeymoon. When their driver commenced driving, the newlyweds started waving at their family again.

Taehyung assuringly held Jungkook shoulder's strongly— but the fellow gently re-located it over his waist. "That's how I like it," Jungkook's voice abruptly came out to be low yet remarkably small. And witnessing Taehyung's oddly teasing grin— he couldn't help but feel his beard cheeks flaring.

The alpha fought his urge to punch the man by looking away. It was then that Taehyung planted his palm exactly over his hips— "Do you like this too, my alpha?"

"Yo— "and I am confident enough to say Jungkook was thanking all of his gods for saving him—but who will save him or should I say them from the embarrassment now?

It was Jimin, who tapped over to Taehyung's shoulder while they were talking. And when the two turned around, their parents, along with Yoongi and Jimin, were lifting their brows teasingly at them. 


 I tried my best T-T please lemme know your opinion! 

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