Chapter 28

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Sigma rule #28

Do whatever it takes. 


Let go on the wheel, it's the bullet lane. 

Now I'm seeing red, not thinking straight. 

Blurring all the lines, you intoxicate me. 

Just like nicotine, heroin, morphine.

Suddenly, I'm a fiend and you're all I need. 

All I need.  

Jungkook grimaced faintly as the sunlight hindered his slumber. The initial thing he picked up was the birds' chippings. They blew like he was being called out by his name; sounded like they were urging him to wake up.

His scowl was reinforced when he felt his head fizzy. The headache was too severe to deal with. Jungkook evidently got drunk last night. Pushing his eyes to open themselves, the boy flipped free the windows of his eyes.

The fellow, ordinarily with an unpleasant expression, massaged his own forehead. That was when his eyes flashed at the ceiling in the room. This wasn't his own. It was Taehyung's. He promptly jolted up at the realization.

The Alpha then realized he was shirtless. A sigh slipped from his lungs as he drove his way towards the mirror to look at himself. Gladly or maybe not, he appeared not to have any marks. He groaned suddenly. "Nothing like that happened," the male grumbled to himself.

Jungkook formerly started caressing his forehead further, struggling to call up what took place yesterday. But nothing he could remember. The boy readily whined to himself before bouncing on Taehyung's bed again. "What must have happened? How did I end up here?" seeking an answer from himself, he kept on mumbling. The boy, out of irritation, rolled on the bed.

"He wasn't even looking at me. Must be something else because of which I ended up here," The Alpha affirmed in murmurs with pink somber lips on the display. "Was I looking that bad that he did not even spare me a glance?" his lips curled down, seemingly showcasing the boy is agitated.

Jungkook experiencing the headache and a slight heartache made his way towards Sigma's wardrobe. And drove his way towards the bed again with a navy blue sweatshirt. He perched on the bed with a piece of clothing near to his nose. The Alpha inhaled his mate's sweatshirt to calm himself and stop himself from overthinking. 

He still looks back at the days when Taehyung wasn't here and he managed to appear in his room to inhale his essence in this room before any competition. Whenever he grew nervous, whenever he appeared to feel the anxiety to strike in, Taehyung's pheromones were invariably there to appease him.

The smell of cocoa seeds. That calming yet staggering feeling every time his nostrils inhaled caused sheer paradise in his mind. The mysterious core of his pheromones emanated warmth for some reason.

Just like nicotine, heroin, morphine.

It felt extremely desirable, yet satisfactory. Ambiances like he was getting scented by his mate. It got like he was getting manhandled. As if someone had domination over him. Jungkook didn't recognize when he formed his course towards the washroom after grabbing a pair of shorts along with the sweatshirt he was already holding. 




The Alpha wandered out of the bathroom wearing Taehyung's clothes. The dripping water from his wet hair— splashed all over the place as he swung his head earnestly to get rid of the water.

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