Chapter 7

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Sigma rule #7

Satisfaction is the only thing needed


The Jeons and the Kims were in the car when they started talking about the younger boys "and--and you know guys, he was literally sleeping on his nape" they giggled together "I could smell Taehyung pheromones everywhere" Jin laughed "Perhaps he scented him for the first time yesterday" Junghyun glanced at Taemin. 

"Day by Day, they're coming closer, it seems" Taemin looked behind to look at the rest of them, who were now staring at him "They were always, it's just they're coming close romantically" Mrs. Kim added, her beautiful wrinkles showed up when the corner of her lips curved up, she looked beautiful the way she smiled could make any other person's heart flutter more specifically Taemin's, her husband looked away immediately when she looked at him.

A sigma would never show their feelings to their partner, it was their nature. They like to hide things and this gives them satisfaction. He didn't want her to see the pinkish blush that crept under his beard.  

There was a moment of silence they shared until Jin decided to break it again "Mom, remember I told you, Taehyung said that he is going to babysit Jungkook for two years from now on" they laughed again "How can we forget that TaeTae indirectly trying to flirt with Koo, that was hilarious" the elders chuckled but this time their laugh didn't stop instead faded away 

All of them sighed in disappointment "Tae shouldn't give him false hope, he is leaving soon" Mrs. Kim stated calmly, she felt bad for Jungkook, that Lil pup was naive, it wasn't fair, wasn't fair that Taehyung could read him right away but kept his secrets away from him about which the younger didn't even know. 

"I advised him many times to not do this but that guy-" Kim sighed "I don't know that satisfaction he gets when he lies to Jungkook" He shook his head vigorously in disagreement when he himself was like that.  

"He is a sigma after all that too 19 years old sigma, who wouldn't see what's wrong and what's right until he follows the sigma rules" Mrs. Kim spoke and everyone slightly nodded, she then held Mrs. Jeon palm in assurance, mouthing 'don't worry' Mr. Jeon smiled, she trusted Taehyung, she knew Taehyung wouldn't do anything that would hurt her son. Though the sigma was unpredictable she believed in him with her son. 

"Then what's the point shifting Jungkook to Taehyung's apartment, he is anyways leaving" Namjoon who listened to them all thing long asked




"I want to stay with you because I want you to love the way I love, I want you to realize it before I go that you are one I want to cherish, you are the one I want to hold onto, you are the only one I would let close to me, let you see my valuable side, do you understand, Lil wolf?" He bopped the nose of the male who was snoring laying on his chest. 


It was only during the lunch recess when the younger realized that Taehyung had not included him in his fun-fair team. And like always, he stormed towards the older, who was sitting alone at the outdoor bench, reading a book with his earphones on. He sulked and snatched Taehyung's book, throwing it away. He sat beside him, having all his attention.

"Listen here" Jungkook snapped his fingers in the air.

"hmm?" Taehyung turned towards the latter.

"You're so bad!" Jungkook murmured, placing his closed fists on his lap before launching a glare at the former, who was peering at him without even blinking

Taehyung planted his left elbow on the backrest of the bench, placing his face on his own palm, he stared at the younger who was continuously cussing him for not choosing him in his team "I will dismiss you as my Hyung!" Jungkook spoke, squeezing the Sigma's beard cheeks, but when the older didn't react as he was too into staring at the beauty right in front of his eyes, he cupped his face and scrunched his nose.

When he realized the Sigma was reading his eyes, he still cupping him bought his face adjacent to him "TaeTae" he spoke in a lower tone as the younger's nose brushed against the older ones. He spoke "Did your wolf function stop working? I read it in a fanfiction yesterday, that when you see someone greater than you, your brain stops functioning"

Who will reveal this stoopid fellow? It was because of his Bambi eyes that Sigma's brain functioning stopped.

When Taehyung came back to his senses, which he has terribly lost a moment ago. He saw the younger-looking at him tiredly as he had been staring back at the older all this while. The windows of his eyes were shutting themselves as soon as the older witnessed it, Taehyung pulled the younger onto his chest.

Since then, Taehyung has been talking to him endlessly. He has been telling him why he loves him so much, how cute he looks when he talks nonsense. And oh, how much he loves it when the younger glares at him. He has been telling him all of that continuously.


As soon as Taehyung heard the bell ring, he smiled looking at the boy. He pecked his forehead softly making sure no one notices it. He then shook Jungkook gently "Get up, small brains, it's time for your maths test" the younger with a pout got up, still rubbing his eyes. Taehyung held his wrist and stopped him from doing so "don't do that to your eyes" 

"why?" he asked back still mad at the fact that Taehyung still hasn't answered why he is not included in any of the teams 

"because they are pretty" 


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