Chapter 36

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#Sigma rule 36

Take careful steps. Emotions do not help.



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FLASHBACK to Taehyung's eighteenth birthday.

The Kims had gathered at Jeon's place. They were on a video call with Namjoon, who was in the states, finishing his studies. The guy wished to see his mate; Jin. No surprise they were here at twelve in the midnight. Everybody had wished the younger sigma, except for Jungkook. The youngling was deep asleep.

With an abrupt exclamation, Taehyung appeared to climb up the stairs. Hanging the call with Namjoon, Jin followed the lad with his eyes. The second afterward, others carried the same. The expression of Taehyung and the sentiment he held in his eyes, it was extremely noticeable, highly evident that he had found his mate.

A sudden wave of pleasure ran through the house; the mate for Sigma Kim Taehyung had been chosen. The two families, who were perched on the sofa in the living room, which was adjacent to Jungkook's room, guffawed at Taehyung standing still upstairs.

"I am so pleased! Our younger sons are mates as well-" Jaehyun broke off when he noticed an uptight-full expression on Taemin's face. "What's the matter, pal?" the Alpha asked his best friend, who seemed so dazed, with fearful eyes.

"I was meaning to inform you something, Jae," the male uttered, slightly glancing at his mate, who placed her palm over his; assuring him. "What is it, Min?" he still beamed purely but when he appeared not recoup it back, he knew something was absolutely wrong.

"You know, a sigma has two sources of their living-It's the darkness of life and light of life," Jaehyung, who knew Taemin since they were in the womb of their mothers, nodded. He knew the sigmas remarkably well since he grew up with one. "Many centuries ago, something took place among the sigmas-which led a c-curse by sigma to the sigmas and the whole community," Taemin exhaled densely and the latter inhaled sharply before scanning his friend with a puzzled look. What the sigma was hinting on?

"The curse set the sigmas between their light and dark source; which meant that they couldn't live without their light without dealing with any difficulties. Jae, light is our present and future while darkness is our past." Taemin paused, swilling down his own saliva finally. "A person with a curse would suffer from illusions, delusions, and hallucinations of their darkness, of their past-if they aren't with their light; their mate."

Jae Hyung nodded, understanding the concept but not what the erstwhile was underlining on. "Nevertheless, the effect of the curse faded away with time, sigmas now do not face any such difficulty. However, there are some who do. There are some who still have the effect of the curse. Taehyung is one of them."

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