Chapter 38

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#Sigma rule 38

All you need is you. 


Treasure hunting is the visceral search for treasure. Here the treasures were the rings of Namjoon and Jin. More precisely, their wedding rings were obscured. This practice was formed when the initial alpha and sigma merger took place in the 1800s.

The alpha team had to search for Namjoon's ring while the team Sigma had to seek for Jin's ring. It's been more than forty-five minutes since the two groups started wandering side-by-side. Doubtlessly, it was quite irritating for the alpha wolves.

"Are you gentlemen sure that you are not following us?" Jin asked, raising his brows along with the stick he was holding against the one who was about to be his husband in the next twenty-four hours. The latter groaned before commencing to wander further. "We're not following, you guys," Jimin responded instead, rolling his eyes to his spouse, who was giving him a doubtful look.

While there were two boys who were relatively happy. Yeojun and Soobin were feeling the moment of their life as they sauntered nonchalantly behind everybody. Holding hands thereafter blushing and glancing elsewhere—oh, this was on the repeat telecast.

Well, if you are speculating about our spotlight couple, they were — sprinting ahead of the whole group. Because Taehyung was bored, he concluded to challenge the younger for a race. And there they were now, with Jungkook on the elder's back — shuffling slowly to let the others catch up with them.

Jin opened the paper hint led by granny Jeon to them, glancing through the words that were scribbled on it. "I'm over the lands, flying high above." Yoongi, who was striding beside him, studied the hint. 

"Over the lands? What could it be? The sole things I see over the land are the mango trees. But there are too many of them," Jin uttered gently in annoyance to the latter — Who breathed thickly, searching around the jungle. They continued walking — and by their pace, it could be anticipated that they won't be able to finish the game before sunset.

It was merely then that Jungkook's eyes flew in his left direction. Holding the hint in his mind, he got off of Taehyung's back. The fellow turned around to the rest of the group before actioning and yelling at them to move fast forward.

It was a clear land with particularly one tree in the midst of it. Over the land, high above. Did that by any chance mean that the second hint was above the tree for the alphas? The team spontaneously seized the hint and appeared, walking towards the presented tree. But—stood in tracks when they realized that the sigmas were still following them.

"Are you guys following us?" Lisa charged the same question as Jin, wrapping her hands over her chest. "We are not. We are pursuing our hint," BamBam strode ahead, stopping chest to chest to her — folding his arms over in acknowledgment of her actions. The two were burning holes into one other for a while. Until Jin elected to call his cousin back to them — not wishing to waste a further minute.

"I will see you later, Double B." The lass rolled her eyes before flipping her hair as she turned around—slamming his face with them. The sigma immediately closed his eyes, raising his fist dramatically in the air. "I will see you later too—Miss — "he yelled, but regretted it instantly when she turned around giving him a fierce glance.

Ouch. Something about the alphas was definitely attractive.

The tree was taller than they foresaw it to be. Jungkook rolled his sleeves over to his elbows as he cracked a few knuckles to climb the tree. All the eyes were observing the alpha male. He was pretty fast to climb the strong brunches. Everybody continued urging him to be slow — to avoid any incident that could occur on such a towering tree.

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