Chapter 33

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#Sigma rule 33

I'm neither a leader 

nor a follower. 


Jungkook glanced around and saw everybody staring at him with gracious eyes to accept the man. Meanwhile, Taehyung was still on his knees—and everything just—just evaporated from Jungkook's brain when he gaped into his mate's eyes. Those eyes held so many emotions in them, they were asking him for forgiveness. "I-I am sorry for the past, Jungkook-ah."

The Alpha couldn't help it, he couldn't resist it at all. He took the flowers from the elder—and as soon as the sigma got up, Jungkook withheld their faces behind the bouquet and kissed his man.

But forgiving him did not mean that he will not look for his reasons, right? Nevertheless, by sealing their lips Jungkook had promptly given an answer—that he choose to forgive Taehyung, but that did not mean he will surrender on any of the impending rituals to win and get the answers to his questions!

He knows that he can still ask him about the answers, but he knows what the elder will say—he will ask him to wait. And considering the amount of patience again, the younger has—winning the rituals is the only and easier way than convincing the elder.

Evidently, if an Alpha commits to himself, there is no going back. Yet Jungkook couldn't help but bed down with a smile on his lips. Taehyung bought him an outfit today and bought him his favorite white hydrangea flowers. If he is not wrong, the flowers described grace, purity, and affection.

It was remarkably clear that the elder dearly loved him; But what formed Jungkook's bright smile to fade away was the thought that if he did love him so much, why was he hiding things for him? Why can't the former just tell him his melancholies, why can't he share his pain? Why doesn't he understand that he wouldn't judge him?—

Only if Jungkook knew that this wasn't about judging his mate, but it was about the life of his mate. 




The sun wasn't up yet. It was still dawn when someone knocked on Jungkook's room. With a huge pout and grumpy whine, the fellow opened the door. Simply to find his mother resting with his sigma on the door frame.

Jungkook was covering his eyes out of sleep, not really minding peering at them. He was about to yawn but shortly winced comically when his mother knocked her knuckles on his forehead. "Momma!!!!!" the Alpha sulked then.

"Don't you know that you have to practice for the sword dance!?" she deadpanned but struggled to not laugh when she marginally shared a stare with Taehyung.

"But why early in the dawn?" The younger boy, still with his eyes half-closed, asked furiously. "Because we are going to the water park later!" She knocked her knuckles on his forehead again before sputtering "get ready without wasting a minute," before striding away.

The boy whined and rubbed the pained area. Suddenly, he met with a finger under his chin. The finger drove him to lookup. "It hurts?" The Sigma examined him with a tender look. Jungkook, who was still half-sleep, nodded. "lemme just— "Taehyung wavered as he deftly planted a gentle peck on his forehead.

His eyes abruptly became wide when he felt the pair of lips on his forehead. The former remained there with his lips pressed upon him. Jungkook's heart pace accelerated when Taehyung discharged his lips solely to look at him with loving eyes — heart eyes. The stare did something to him. Those pupils were proving yet again that there is purely one that resides in his heart. And that's him.

Taehyung bent down, placing his palms over his knees to have a proper look at the frozen Jungkook. The younger lowly looked at him with weak eyes—unlike the way he looked at him after he returned. For a moment, the sigma saw his lil' Jungkookie, he saw younger Jungkook—maybe everything was healing gradually.

He perceived it will take time, but it is particularly the matter until the blue moon—everything will be okay after the blue moon. Just a slight wait, all he the sigma demands the younger to do is wait for him, wait for the day to arrive. 

Jungkook picked up the sword. It was heavy, as expected. Taehyung settled there in front of with his own one; the male then walked over to the table where the speakers were located. Taehyung connected them with his phone before playing the song.

The erstwhile wandered back to his position. They were at the open arena, prepared by the resort. It was where the function tonight was about to take place. Jungkook whirled his wrist with the blue-ribboned sword in the air, sideways. The Alpha's eyes gleam with the color of his wolf eyes—blue signifying power and authority.

The younger male took a posture to attack. As he moved his sword in a distance with the music—it formed the sound of slicing the air, representing his strength.

As quickly as the Alpha wavered, he gave the Sigma a glance to show up what he has gotten. But shuddered as he noticed the elder emitted a red aura. His eyes were glowing red; distinctly perceiving the calmness in Taehyung's body—Jungkook accurately predicted the latter's sigma had taken over.

And the timidness in Taehyung, and the oddly serene look, meant for Jungkook to let his Alpha take over. Who was Jungkook to deny? How could he even? The hooded eyes, the strong body posture, and the palms behind his back.

The sword dance is always between the wolves. Jungkook instantly let go of his consciousness and offered his Alpha all the control.

The drums and flute in the music, the slight hum that the sigma picked up from the younger made him look up abruptly. Knowingly or unknowingly, the two strolled towards one another. How did the stream of sentiments flare-up? The Alpha was the one to roll in the air and thus place the sword under the latter's chin. 

Taehyung raised his sword to place it upon the others before smoothly flicking it elsewhere.

What has time done to us?

everything feels so changed.

The Alpha drew a stance further and thereafter blamed again. The elder just shielded himself from his sword as he shuffled behind. Jungkook was about to smash harder to make the elder lose his weapon, but the Sigma was stable enough to capture and hold on to the not-so-sharpened sword of the younger in his palm.

The sigma sneered before drawing the latter towards himself and formerly turning him around. Running the tip of his sword on the latter's body as he enjoyed the grip on the boy—which was tight enough to not let him flee.

I've experienced moments with you.

And you've too, with me.

"Why is there such a desire?" Taehyung murmured and Jungkook ceased to make any moments to escape. "Why is the heart so eager?" He spun the alpha around as he speedily bend the younger towards himself as he commenced to trudge backward.

The younger was again too ready to attack as he lightly pressed the elder away before tiptoeing back and later pressing ahead with considerably more force.

The Sigma wolf was ready to hold his hand and block his sword in the air by using his. "Nochu, don't you know we are like the two tunes playing together?" he snarled as he yanked the younger's sword aside—along with his own.

Why can't we just lose together?

Taehyung was swift to draw his Alpha towards himself, only to encircle his arms around his waist. He earnestly beamed at his mate with his red pupils on the display.

"The flowers of my garden have the fragrance of you," 


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