Chapter 20

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Sigma rule #20

Love endlessly. 


Taehyung wrapped his arms around the alpha's waistline, "TaeTae.." the younger called faintly, turning towards him a little. "hmm.." the former hummed, running his fingers through his hair.

"You will come back, right?" the younger slept straight on his arm, his eyes not leaving the elder, who was beaming back at him.

"Of course, I will," Sigma smiled. "you won't forget me when you'll meet new people there?" the Alpha inquired, turning towards him, placing his fists on his chest. Taehyung chuckled, "Of course not" the younger promptly smiled at his deep chuckle. He was surely going to miss that harmonious laugh.

"Of course not. I won't ever forget about you," Taehyung cheesily stated. "how much will you miss me?" Jungkook asked, teasingly "a loooooot"

"How much" Jungkook raised his brows, adjusting his smile and chewing his pink lips. "I will think about you the moment I will open my eyes," the elder mumbled, "but then I will get hiccups in the midnight!" the Alpha pouted.

"Then I will think about you before falling asleep," Sigma stated dreamily, "then you'll ruin my morning sleep"

"c'mon I could be distant morning alarm," the elder laughed, causing the younger to giggle. "You will come back, right?" Jungkook's smile faded away as he started to caress his mate's cheeks. "I will, Koo. You'll wait for me, right?" he asked gently after pecking the tip of his nose.

"I will stand right here for you, Tae," he whispered, staring right into his eyes. Taehyung's heart rushed, his grip around the younger tightened. He leaned until their noses painted against each other.

"Te Amo.." Taehyung muttered across his lips. "Me, Te Amo," Jungkook whispered back, driving his mate to widen his eyes in surprise. "you wouldn't kiss me?" the Alpha asked, lifting his eyebrows at him, but before he could tease him further, the elder of them captured his lips.

Jungkook's hand traveled across his collar, as the elder of them hovered over him. Their eyes were sealed so were their lips with their hands locked on each other's bodies.

Why do they need each other so much? Why are they each other's beginning? Why are they so important to each other? Is it wrong to give yourself to someone?

Is it wrong to promise? Is it wrong to tie a small string of love around their pinkies, around their hearts? Around their souls? Around themselves.

Why sometimes we feel them around us, even though they're not. Why sometimes we see them in that purple sky, waving at us, smiling at us. 

Seven days were quick to pass. 

"You'll come back, right?" Jungkook whispered, holding back his glossy eyes from shedding down in front of the older one. "I will come back soon, Koo" he cupped his face and kissed his forehead.

"Eat properly, okay. Do not fight with anyone in the s-school" Jungkook stared at his mate above. Taehyung rubbed his thumb on his cheeks. The younger couldn't hold it back anymore. He immediately wrapped his arms around his chest.

"H-Hyung, p-please do-don't go,"

"D-don't go... d-don't leave me alone,"

Taehyung patted his head before making him look up, wiping his tears, "Don't go, Hyung..." the younger whispered. Why does it hurt to be away from your love?

Why do you always get the separation from the closeness? 





It was evening when Jungkook decided to go out. Everything was fine now, completely fine. Well, that's what they thought.

Nobody knew what was going on with the two. Eyes were longing, so were their hearts, so were the bodies.

The Alpha sat at the table of their favorite bakery. "Oh, hey KooKoo" the old baker, like always, greeted. "Hi" he muttered with a small smile. "what would you like to take Lil one?" he asked gently. "O-One strawberry m-milkshake with v-vanilla pancakes," he muttered, and the baker nodded, sighing and walking towards the counter.

Taehyung never expected states to be so dull to him. The boy looked at his feet levitating in the air, sitting on the swing early in the morning.

He wished he could stop all the moments right here and run back towards him. He couldn't help but think about all those moments, how their eyes lingered against one other. He wished to go back in the past and live those moments again. 

Though pearl-like tears were what his eyes were filled with, his lips curved up for a smile as he caressed his phone's screen

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Though pearl-like tears were what his eyes were filled with, his lips curved up for a smile as he caressed his phone's screen. He couldn't help the flashbacks.

"TaeTae, I look pretty, right?" Jungkook asked posing against the wall causing the elder to burst out of laughter "whyyyy are you laughing!!" the younger whined loudly "my mate is so pretty, you won't believe your eyes once you see him!" The sigma proudly exclaimed. Jungkook huffed loudly "Tch tch tch Why should I believe you?" he protested turning around "okay stop whining, lemme take a photo of yours,"

"Why!!?" he frowned, turning towards the elder one again. "you know, I take photos of weird things. It's my passion" Taehyung controlled his laugh and lied "WHAT DO YOU MEAN!" Jungkook screamed before running behind the Sigma in the whole house. 

Taehyung smiled to himself, feeling his heart cloudy and eyes raining. 

Meanwhile, Jungkook muffled the strawberry in his mouth. His eyes turned the color of the fruit. He remembered how mouth fully the elder use to eat this cake. How he would tease him and tempt him by eating his strawberries.

Those unreasonable fights...

Those giggles...

Those eyes...

Unsaid words were inside. The only he felt coming out were the tears and sorrow. How he blends with his habits. How everything felt miserable, suddenly.

As he blinked, the tears started to make their way down from his eyes; he turned around when he felt a palm on his shoulder. "Are you okay, Kook?" the old baker asked, raising his brows.

"N-No, I'm not okay," he whispered before hugging the man's waist, burying his face into his tummy. "It's okay, everything will be fine," he murmured patting his head

"I-I miss him so much, uncle,"

"He must be missing you too" 


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