Chapter 42

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#Sigma rule 42

If you want it to heal, stop feeling.


In freshly changed clothes, Jungkook remained outside the gym, lingering for someone—who was coming to pick him up. It's been a few days since they returned to Seoul; the last few days were the pleasantest for everyone—assuredly for the Alpha and the Sigma too. After making love the other day, things have turned a little softer than they previously were.

The bickering got lesser; the arguments were healthy enough. Cuddles and kisses were the finest merger, indeed. Breakfasts and dinners together; lunches on the video calls. Jungkook was embracing, each and every moment with his mate. He loved when the elder would lift him up out of know where. He didn't anymore resent Taehyung reading him like an open book—well, actually, Jungkook was assuredly his open book.

Talks all night, occasionally through the windows of each other's houses; like secret lovers. Fly kisses never felt so blissful. Little by little, the things that were crushed between them were healing itself. The younger appeared to not question anything about what had happened years ago—he was instead trusting his mate and was foreseeing his future with him.

Namjoon's and Jin's wedding undoubtedly bought a lot of moments that would be invariably cherished in their memories. Today was another special day. The families were about to gift the newly wedded couple a post-wedding gift; A little house.

Taehyung and Jungkook were to surprise the two guys when their parents bring them to that place. The house was in the same neighborhood as their parents' houses. In fact, the elders were searching for another house just like this for Jungkook and Taehyung. They would gift them a little house too, and the boys will make it home.

A lot of things were lately going on. The grandmas commenced living with them permanently. The Jeon and Kim's mansion were attaching their lawns now, they were one family now. One family.

Jungkook stopped looking into aimless pieces around when he picked up a honk. A smile stretched itself over his lips as his eyes met with the elder ones. The alpha lad promptly hopped in merely to get his lips smooched over. Jungkook simply giggled at his absolutely determined companion. 

At the later moment, Jungkook cupped the former's face and kissed his forehead. Mildly enough, Taehyung, the whipped creature, blushed just like in the old days. "How was your day, Mr. Kim?" The younger of two, teased. Mr. Kim was what everybody called Taehyung in the hospital. What Jungkook discovered, interestingly, was that when he uttered the same, the sigma would blush. And he loved it when his bulky the great—" I'm tough" so-called sigma blushed.

He did not simply blush but cupped the alpha's face back before connecting their lips for a lengthier kiss. The fingers formerly traveled to his waist, stiffening his grip as he perfectly enclosed his arms around him.

The more they look at one another, the further they fall. The further they fall in love, the more fascinating everything gets. The pace is leisurely, the pace is harmonious. Taehyung gets lost. He cannot decide occasionally—as in what's more beautiful? His feeling or his mate?

The one with whom he would wish to go to sleep every night was Jungkook. The one for whom he would appeal to the sun and the birds to not turn up and break his and mate's bubble every morning was Jungkook. His alpha drove him to feel young again. Caused him to feel as if he was the same eighteen years old who had just found out that his mate was none other than Jungkook.

What was there to not admire about Jungkook? The way he would seize all of his flying kisses on the other window. The way he would let him lay his head over his shoulder, the way he would hug him. The younger had no understanding of how comforting it was for him. The nightmares were lesser lately. He appeared to not face any difficulty while sleeping.

He had a lil faith, a lil belief that nothing would go wrong anymore. Nothing until they were like this, right?—"How do you I look?" Jungkook sought. They were at the gift shop—purchasing a congratulatory gift for their brothers. "Adorable," Taehyung mumbled dreamily, gawking at his mate who had put on a princess's  crown.

"Can you buy me this TaeTae?" The Alpha pleaded since he forgot his wallet in the car and was too lazy to bring it. "Whatever you say, baby!" the sigma patted his head, still grinning at how cute the latter looked in that crown.

They were lost somewhere in their own world, somewhere where the raindrops glided through the leaves, somewhere the droplets turn into an ocean— an ocean full of love. Crooning the song, no one knows when the day's end. Silence speaks— slowly the flower will bloom itself. 

The two were handed over the task of hiding behind the sofa and certainly scaring the elderly brothers. But there could be heard—whisper after whisper. Muffled laughs. Inhaling and heartbeats. The act felt so childish but so fun for some reason. This drew back memories— memories of them throwing a surprise party for grandma Kim's birthday.

Swiftly they had people entering the place, inducing them to get ready. It was ludicrous. Silly how Jin literally flew back while Namjoon just chuckled, observing his husband being undoubtedly extra.

Eyes met again and laughs started to linger in their lungs once again as they faced one another—slow. The moment held onto happiness. So full of happiness it felt. They imitated the way the elder alpha got scared and laughed again.

Pizza added considerably to the enjoyment; Dad's guitar shone the best. And moms' laughing in the corner made up the cute Lil episode of the father trying to impress his wife.

Now, when Jaehyun was on the track, how could Taemin be behind? The former fellow swiped his grey back— and lord, the way the ladies blushingly chuckled at the dramatic duo merely produced Jungkook and Taehyung giggle simultaneously.

Grandmas were right there to smack the heads of their sons. Namjoon and Jin were feeding one another the cheese pizza— the honeymoon phase of their marriage, y'all. The younger alpha simply leaned down entirely to lie over the chest of his sigma.

They were snuggling on the resting mattress on the floor, looking at everyone having their moment. Taehyung, who had a pizza box next to him, lifted a piece and patted the younger's head. "hmm?" the elder fellow extended but grimaced when Jungkook shook his head with a sigh.

"I'm on a diet. The match is in four days." Jungkook proclaimed with drained eyes. But later again, those glimmered with excitement. "Will you come to watch me?" the boy laid over his tummy, setting his chin over his chest. The elder of the two sighed faintly, giving the alpha the signal.

"No, No! You can't miss it! Everyone will be there, you can't miss it!" the boy whined. "I have a genuinely important surgery that day to deal with," the former muttered, watching the corner of his lips bending down. "But." the sigma smiled, "I will be attending." Jungkook shrieked in happiness. He would finally get a chance to fight in front of his mate. finally

Only if Taehyung did not flow with his emotions, he would have realized— the blue moon is in four days too. 


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