Chapter 6

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Sigma rule #6

Money is so damn important


It was a crisp morning; the sun was up and the moon was back asleep. There stood two males folding their arms against their chests, standing in front of the door of a specific room situated in the Jeon household.

He (Namjoon) looked at the male who was standing a little ahead of him, Jin looked behind only to find Namjoon staring at him. He hurriedly looked away, focusing on the youngsters sleeping peacefully.

Jungkook was sleeping on his tummy. The elder of them had his face planted on the younger's nape. Taehyung's legs were wrapped around Koo's limbs and his arms were around his waist, securely holding him.

The elders coo'ed at the sight, internally.

Suddenly there was a movement between the two who were sleeping. Jungkook was maybe up. The next moment they saw the younger one throwing Taehyung's body on the other side of the bed, more like straightening him. His eyes were still closed. He lifted the older one's arm, placing it under his head. He buried his face onto his chest, sleeping again.

Taehyung unconsciously wrapped his arms around him, again

"uff" Jin let out, looking at them. He then walked towards the bed, with Namjoon behind him.

"Get up kids or else you'll get late" Seokjin snatched the blanket away, but Jungkook placed his legs around his TaeTae, still sleeping

"Jungkook!! Taehyung!!" he started calling them up loudly

"Hmm, why is Jin shouting early in the morning, KooKoo?" Taehyung husked, tightening his grip around the younger without opening his eyes

"hanh... he is always a loudspeaker TaeTae" Jungkook muttered snuggling more into the other chest

Jin tch'ed and Joon chuckled

Namjoon held Jin's wrist and pulled him back, muttering "let me do it"

"Taehyung-ah, kook-ah, get up before I leave all of my crabs on you guys" and the next moment the youngest of the four jumped on the bed "J-Joonie? Jo-oon? NAM-JOON HYUNG!" Jungkook stammered, instantly standing up on the bed.

"Oh my god, Jungkookie, you grew tall" Namjoon smiled, extending his arms for a hug. Ignoring the sleeping Taehyung on the bed, Jungkook walked upon the sleeping sigma only to Jump on his favorite Hyun. He loved him more than he loved Jin.

"When did you come, hyungie" The younger chirped cheerfully, like a Lil bird flapping its wings

"Last night, it was past your sleeping time, cutie" Namjoon smiled, giving the sweet name, making Taehyung sit up, and earn a glower from the other two in the room.

"Hyung! call Jin Hyung with this name, I swear he will be blushing a mess," Jungkook whispered leaning into his ears, giggling

"I swear to god Seokjin Hyung, ask your fiance to take his hands off of my mate" Taehyung mouthed, pointing at Jungkook and Namjoon, who were facing their backs to him

"Should I? wouldn't he be furious?" Namjoon asked, patting the younger's head. "nope! he wouldn't," the younger answered, guffawing. And just then, Namjoon's eyes tracked his brother, who was looking at him, more like glaring.

Namjoon immediately let go of Jungkook. "Jungkookie is like my Lil brother, bro," Namjoon exclaimed, forgetting about the fact that the younger does not know a lot of things yet.

Jungkook frowned and looked at the other three who were having a conversation through eyes "what-"

"Who are you telling I'm like your Lil bro?" Jungkook asked, "Wait, you wouldn't call Jin Hyung bro- why did you say that to TaeTae?" He asked curiously

Namjoon just then understood the thing- He was bad at keeping secrets, no wonder.

Jin shook his head in disagreement. "Both of you get ready quickly, have your breakfast, it is on the table, we're leaving," Jin stated, changing the topic. "Where are you guys going?" the youngest asked again

"We're going to get the rings today" Namjoon showcased his dimples. "OH MY GOWD! I WANNA COME WITH YOU GUYS TOO!!"

"You have a maths test today" Taehyung spoke out loud, making Jungkook jump on the bed again trying to punch him "why don't you shut up" the younger tried his best fighting but instead he heard a deep chuckle escaping the elder's lips, who held his wrist, the older didn't budge at all but the younger kept trying. "But this early?"

"Ahh we are going to Daegu to get the Grandmas as well," Namjoon said smiling, their grandmas were neighbors as well. The coincidence was nothing but a mere thing between the Jeon and Kim family

"I miss the grannies, I wanna meet them too" Jungkook cried with a sigh.

"Jungkook, you are not coming with us! you're going to school!" Jin showed his index finger, stating strictly making the younger pout and whine "Joonie Hyung!"

"Jin Hyung is right, cutie, you should go to school."

"Don't call him cutie!!" Taehyung growled, which was ignored by the younger as he was looking for a chance to punch the older.

"fine! get ready fast, we're leaving already."

Jungkook, before getting up from the bed, successful hits Taehyung's chest, making the older fake wince.

The Alpha opened his wardrobe "OHHHHH SHEEEEEESH MY CLOTHES ARE MISSING!!!" he howled in a high-pitched voice "Well, Jinnie, me and Aunty packed them yesterday."

"Why?" Jungkook asked.

"You are moving this Sunday, kiddo." Taehyung exclaimed getting up from the bed, "my uniform?" the younger asked again. "It is in the second cabinet" the older stated flicking the younger's chin out of habit.

"your uniform?" the alpha asked unknowingly. Taehyung controlled his lips, which were curving up unconsciously after hearing the concerned tone of his Lil one.

"Well, I have a pair at my parents' place. I'm going to get ready there" The alpha nodded in agreement.

"But why did you sleep here?" Jungkook asked, inclining his head in confusion. "Oh about that, Aunty asked me too since I was very tired to go back after packing your stuff." Jungkook's mouth turned into an "O". He nodded again, but before the elder could walk out, the younger stopped him again.

"After getting ready, meet me in the living room" Taehyung nodded, still adjusting his lips from smiling.



It was almost 7:50 am when Jungkook came down. Holding his backpack, he threw it on the couch and walked in the opposite direction, only to find the older one already sitting at the dining table

"You didn't start eating yet?" the younger asked pouting a Lil

"I was waiting for you" Jungkook's heart started rapping at a malicious pace. It was out of his control. For some reason which was not known to him, his cheeks turned pinkish, endorsing his pink lips.

Taehyung, who noticed it gawked at his lips unconsciously. Jungkook glanced promptly into his eyes and peered away instantly when Sigma's gaze stumbled upon his eyes, beaming back. Both of them blushed, looking in all directions but not at each other.

They ate their breakie silently. It was 15 mins later when both of them were done and were about to walk out.

Before the Sigma would walk out, Jungkook held his wrist and interrupted him "TaeTae can you scent me?"


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