Chapter 16

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Sigma rule #16

I will never betray a loved one. 


If you have guessed it already, yeah, it was Yoongi who gave Jungkook the idea to pretend to not know anything. Yoongi wanted to see how will Taehyung deal with this. Also, he wanted to take revenge on the latter for constantly making him run away from Jungkook.

It was very evident that Yoongi started liking Jungkook when he first saw him in the school corridor. The way he danced, not caring about the environment and everything, made him feel interested in him. But after learning that Taehyung was his mate and how much he cared about him, his rules as a sigma didn't allow him to take some else's territory from them. 

In a Sigma's life, the most important thing is to follow the Sigma rule, it's not like they're made to follow, well actually there is no such thing as "rules" it was actually the people who named it as "rules". It's preferably their nature. They are built in that way and they carry those traits with them, those traits that make them different from the other wolves.

It was a chilly morning; Christmas eve was always Jungkook's favorite! He loved it for some reason. And the very next day was it. When the boy opened his eyes, he found himself being rolled inside the duvet like a burrito. He knew who did this — Taehyung, since that day, hasn't been talking to the younger. He wouldn't tease or mock him like he use to. They barely exchanged words.

Jungkook smiled to himself as he saw the snow falling through the window. The boy giggled and covered himself with the blankie, walking towards it without caring about the freezing temperature.

He grinned to the fullest and sneezed the later second. "Aish," the boy let out in a small voice, rubbing his rosy nose and then walking in, closing the big window behind.

The Alpha hurriedly wore a thick sweater and then walked out of his room, but frowned when he reached the kitchen.

"Where is he?" he looked around in the apartment but he couldn't find the man. Jungkook collapsed on the sofa, beaming at the clock. "Where did he go" he mumbled before picking his phone up and calling the Sigma male.

Jungkook sighed when the man didn't pick up his call. The younger boy then thought of sliding through his messages.

TaeTae an idiotic man 


Yo! Where are you? 

No reply. Jungkook sighed again and peered at the ceiling for a while, zoning out. The Alpha, with a slight pout and frown, walked towards the bathroom to take a warm shower to pass the time.

The lad couldn't help but sigh now then. He felt bored; he felt lonely for some reason. Certainly, this made him realize the value of Taehyung in his life. Importance of his smile, importance of his eyes, importance of his existence in his life. Dramatic, isn't it? But you know Jungkook—

Jungkook stood under the shower, closing his eyes. It felt good, but nothing is and nothing will be better than Taehyung's warm hug. He couldn't get rid of the elder one from his mind.

He felt heavy for some reason. Is telling 'I love you' really necessary? Is it? Alpha Jungkook felt there was no need to say that out loud when you can feel it. Why? Could Taehyung not feel Jungkook's feelings towards him? The younger one couldn't help but overthink the situation.

Alpha Koo, after a long bath, crashed on the sofa again with a duvet and tried again to contact the latter.

"Why isn't he picking up!" He groaned with an anxious frown. Jungkook then promptly called Mrs. Kim "Hello Aunty!" Mrs. Kim could make out the younger was concerned "Hey, Koo" She was with her husband when she received the call, so she excused herself from him and walked away a little to talk to the younger

"Hey, baby, what's up? You sound- "She paused as she heard "Aunty, Is TaeTae there?" Mrs. Kim frowned. "No! Did something happen?" she asked in a calm tone. "No, I haven't seen him since morning" Jungkook, in a light voice, murmured audibly, "Don't worry, love. He will be back soon" the lady tried to assure, and the Alpha sighed again "I hope so"

T.V felt boring, and the phone was even more. The last time he missed the male this much was during the summer vacation four years ago.

The Alpha male went crazy when he couldn't get the Sigma around. He would sleep all day and would not eat. For approximately five days, Jungkook was quiet. He didn't speak a word to anyone. All he wanted was to cling to the older and annoy him. And when the male returned on the sixth day, Koo didn't let go of him. He clung over his chest like a baby and cried all day, cursing him for leaving him behind.

Jungkook indeed can't stay a day without Taehyung and the elder boy was well aware of it. 







It was evening now. The two usually spent their Christmas Eve together, but it seemed like he was alone this time. Jungkook for the whole time stuck by the window, staring at the cars and vehicles moving.

"Will TaeTae come?" he murmured. The fellow had not eaten anything since he woke up, but he couldn't care less about it. All he cared about was where was TaeTae. The Alpha must've called him more than sixty times by now.

He was restless, He was concerned. The thing named Anxiety was kicking him. 





Jungkook dozed off on the floor due to exhaustion. The small boy opened his eyes when it was 23:59 pm. It will be Christmas just in a minute. That was when he noticed the door of their apartment sliding. The alpha hurriedly stood up, ready to attack the person on the door.

That was later when he saw someone wearing a red suit entering the apartment.

"Santa" Jungkook grasped loudly "HO.HO.HO" The boy heard a peal of loud laughter. "HO.HO.HO" Jungkook's mouth hung low but when a slight light fell upon the red suit guy in the darkroom, the Alpha caught the eyes he was longing for since morning.

His eyes become all glossy as he ran before wrapping his legs around Sigma's waist. "HO.HO.HO" Taehyung dramatically laughed and threw the bag of gifts on the floor, holding the best gift his life gave him, Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook lifted his face from the crook of his neck and dug his fingers into his white fake beard. "Old man!" Jungkook whispered, making the elder chuckle.

The younger's lips curved below and the older could get that the boy was just about to cry again. The younger stared right into his eyes and placed his arms around his neck firmly. The moment later the Jungkook cupped his face before capturing the sigma's lips.

Taehyung, at first, stretched his eyes out at the younger's action but smiled the later second before pinning the younger's upper on the nearby wall and closing the door by his foot, kissing him passionately.

"I missed you" 



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