Chapter 2

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Sigma rule #2

Alphas set rules for the world. I break them and make my own.


Taehyung was dragging Jungkook. Just then, the younger of them recapped all of what happened a minute ago. He frowned, realizing what the older just called him.

"I'm here to take the baby, whom I am going to babysit." Jungkook recapped and yanked his hand away while they were walking through the living room; their parents were sitting there.

"Why did you call me b.a.b.y?" he spelt baby and asked. The Alpha and Sigma families looked at the duo with teasing grins on their faces. Taehyung smirked at Jungkook's behavior before muttering a question, "What's b.a.b.y?"

"You don't know that!?" Jungkook tch'ed and inquired. Jin laughed, silently walking towards the sofa to enjoy this dramatic couple's fight with the elder ones."I really don't know. Mom, do you know what is b.a.b.y? Dad? Uncle Jeon? Aunty? Seokjin? Anybody?" All of them shook their heads from right to left together, dramatically. 

Jungkook huffed in frustration. "Say it out loud, b.a.b.y?" Taehyung husked; this was the reason why Jungkook thought he hated Taehyung.

Sigmas, not even in your dreams, would let you dominate them. And being Alpha blooded, Jungkook hated to be so submissive in front of Taehyung. He hated to get mocked so easily by the elder. He hated how he could change the situation so effortlessly in his favor. No, not just in this situation, but in all circumstances.

"Say it!" Taehyung whispered deadly, leaning into the younger's ears."Baby! Why did you call me-- baby?" The pauses in the younger's sentences sounded as if he was calling the former, baby. 

"Aww, I called you because we have to go." Taking those 'babies' in the above sentences for himself, he answered Jungkook's question innocently."Pfft, Haha" Jin laughed loudly. "You both act like an old married couple!" He shrieked along with their parents. Jungkook pouted and huffed, not realizing that Taehyung had held his palm again, taking him out.







They were in the car when Jungkook suddenly muttered, "I'm hungry," scanning the person, who was sitting in the driver's seat. "I'm hungry. I want to eat doughnuts!" He again peered at Taehyung, whose eyes were fixed on the road. He was wearing sunglasses, and his palms were around the steering wheel; the man drove the car smoothly.





"I will steal Tannie!" He waited for a response or a reaction, but it was all useless. You can't do anything to get a Sigma distracted from his task. The car stopped when it was the red light. Taehyung abruptly looked out of his window. He opened the window. "Hey--" before he could say anything, the female in the other car looked at him and rolled her eyes, "Sorry, I have a boyfriend."

"I'M FREAKING SITTING HERE, AND THIS GUY WANTS TO FLIRT," Jungkook screamed internally out of hunger and frustration. "Well, I was saying that your tire is punctured." He exclaimed wearing his glasses back.

"Oh. . . Will you help-- " The female was about to ask for help after noticing what the other said was true, but just then, Taehyung started the car and moved ahead. Jungkook laughed at the girl and pulled his upper body out of the car's window. "GIRL! A TIP!! ASK YOUR BOYFRIEND!! HAHAHAHA--"

Koo's breath hitched when the sigma pulled him in. Stopping the car, the elder one buckled his seat belt, without saying a word. 

Sometime later, the lady from earlier came just beside them with a fellow on the bike. She had her hands wrapped around him."Did your milk teeth fall yet, Baby Alpha?" She mocked, but before Jungkook could even say anything, Taehyung got down the car. He got rid of his shades and studied her.

"You can't resist a beautiful lady, can you?" The woman proudly smirked."Oh? Tell me when she comes here. I mean, the beautiful lady?"Jungkook loudly snorted at his TaeTae's savage response. Soon, they heard a pfft from the person on the bike. He burst out laughing looking at the female behind him. 

"Are you with her?" Taehyung asked the beta male, "No, she asked for a lift, and since I know her, I couldn't refuse."He immediately acknowledged-- Nodding to which, "Cool, you guys are blocking the road by the way," he stated with a bored expression, and the two moved ahead.

"I'm hungry!" As soon as the sigma turned around he heard from the teen alpha. Jungkook was pouting with his arms wrapped around his chest."You're eating my brain since you were nine, and you are still not satisfied!?" Taehyung lifted his brows settling inside the car once again. 

"Don't you think it's the other way around, Sigma?" Jungkook smiled sarcastically before letting his tongue out in mockery. Happy that he came up with a good response. "Is that so? But do you even have one, Alpha?" Taehyung smiled back to the fullest. The younger groaned in his defeat against the Sigma. Again.





"Are we stopping by the bakery?" Jungkook was excited. "Are we?" Taehyung asked back, still focusing on the road.


"Are we, maybe?"


"We both? bakery?"

The car stopped in front of a bakery. Or should I say the only place where Jungkook and Taehyung had the same opinion? "Yummy!" The two let out while trying a bunch of pastries."I want this, this, and this too" Jungkook pointed at a couple of doughnuts and cupcakes.

"You still have so much space in your Lil tummy, youngling?" The baker knew them since they were kids. This place has always been their place to hang out. "Little tummy? Hah! I doubt that" Taehyung patted Jungkook's tummy while speaking. His one hand was around his waist and the other on his tummy. Jungkook, being too used to the skinship, didn't notice how securely the Sigma was holding him.

A few wolves walking by glanced at them and whispered to one another, "A sigma and An alpha; rare."Obviously, A Sigma-Alpha is one of the rarest cases. Sigma themselves are the rare wolves.

"TaeTae, you've turned 19? Did you find yourself a mate?" The baker Uncle asked, smiling at the cute duo in front of his eyes. Since they were little kids, something in them would always warm his heart, maybe the way they fought with one another or the way they looked at each other.

"Yes, I have."


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