Chapter 47

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Sigma rule #47

Train your mind to be calm in every situation. 


Taehyung checked his wristwatch approximately a hundred times. The fellow was waiting for the clock to hit eight so that he could go home and continue his break with his mate. After a bit, when the time arrived, the sigma precisely was the initial one to run out of the camp tents that were installed by the government to execute free check-ups for the labor and lower class.

As Jungkook suggested, it was indeed quite of an experience to be there and meet various types of people all at once. As an introvert, it was actually somewhat overwhelming for Taehyung at first, but he later he tried and ultimately got smooth with the process. Whatsoever was the case, the male, however, was missing his mate.

Settling into his car, he placed his bag onto the side. The sigma appeared to go through his messages before going ahead — only to come across the message sent by the nurse from his department — she was urging him to report to the hospital due to an appointment that she by-mistakenly agreed on with the client. The female apologized adding that she tried to cancel it, but later on the department head ordered him to report to the hospital since he did not want to ruin their reputation.

Taehyung sighed densely before agreeing to her and starting the car to driving up to the hospital. After getting stuck in the traffic for roughly fifteen minutes that felt like hours, the sigma ultimately made it to the hospital to clear up his schedule for the day. He shortly greeted the patient prevailing on the waiting chair outside his cabin and actioned the male to follow him behind.

Taehyung was absolutely annoyed at how his day went by today. But tried to control his expression and calmness, to not make up a bad first impression on the patient who had come to discuss his troubles with him. As soon as he got done, the guy appeared to pack his bags and take his coat off again — before he could even step out — the nurse barged in apologizing to him and thereafter murmuring that there was another patient and she couldn't say no to that someone because they had contacts in the hospital.

Taehyung groaned once again and fought his urge rolling his eyes. He actioned her to send the person in—only to get greeted by Jungkook in a black loose shirt — that looked like it belonged to Taehyung's wardrobe. The sigma's pupils certainly enlarged, staring at his mate. 

"Jungkookie, you here— "he was cut off when the latter appeared to answer question, "I had to get done with my full body check-up." the lad muttered hopping onto the chair in front of Taehyung's table. But when the former male did not sit down and kept peering at him, the younger fellow marginally raised his brows before questioning him this time, "Won't you treat me, Mr. Kim?"

Blush wriggled over Taehyung's face as he averted his gaze and began checking outJungkook's blood pressure, guys. Nothing else, for real. Believe him; Note the sarcasm.

After getting done with the checkup, the alpha male got up to let Taehyung discard the dressing of his wounds for renewing it. Soon, the session came to an end, and it was time for the fees.

And there Jungkook was pouting.

"I told you, I forgot my wallet in the car. Let me bring it!" the boy asserted to the doctor, who was also his mate. "Oh, what if you run away? We can't risk it, can we?" Taehyung, wiggling his brows, replied. "But — I don't have my wallet with me. How should I pay you?" The younger frustratedly uttered.

"You can pay me." The sigma casually lifted his arms from the desk and planted it on his own thighs. And thus again glanced at his partner, who evidently got up. "Pervert," the latter fellow uttered before sauntering over to the other side of the table and sitting on his sigma's thighs — or should I say, lap.

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