Chapter 29

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Sigma rule #29

Stand on your words. 


Jungkook, along with Namjoon, made his way into the hospital frame. The younger examined the place exceedingly well. He observed some nurses beaming at him, murmuring things to one another. The male clumsily rubbed his collar, feeling too many eyes on him.

It was until he discovered his brother standing by the receptionist's counter, swapping remarks with the lady behind the desk. Namjoon grinned at his fiance, who turned around solely to swing his hand in the air. With the two lunchboxes in their hands, the fellows promptly pushed their way towards the eldest of them.

"Hey.." Namjoon barely whispered in a slender flirtatious manner, inducing Jungkook to cough out loud. "Hey, handsome. What treatment would you like to have?" Jin, neglecting his little brother, shuffled adjacent to his fiance, somewhat tucking his fingers into his jacket.

"I can't breathe," Namjoon blurted, unabashedly causing Jungkook to widen his eyes. As their marriage date was approaching, these individuals were dropping all of their shame. The fellow, in distrust, shook his head before coughing noisily to draw their attention to him.

Jin comically rolled his eyes at his younger brother. "You guys are shameless," the younger alpha exclaimed, viewing his surroundings to make sure people did not notice. "Says who," Jin pressed, overly controlling his amusement. "The one who carried forward a love demand list in front of everybody," Jin snorted at his own comment. 

And oh god! Jungkook was red as a strawberry now. Why can't his brother stop embarrassing him in the public? Jungkook hid his face behind his palm when he spotted the receptionist staring at him after the former words. 

"Look at you today, huh!? All shy?" Jin was determined not to end here. He chose to see his brother all frustrated. "I couldn't even sleep last night. You kept on puking at me. Take this as a punishment," the former side hugged his mate after proclaiming.

"Puking?" Jungkook, peeping from the midst of his fingers, sought back. "Yeah, I was taking you home, but you kept on puking at me, claiming that I am taking you away from Taehyung. Awful! It was so awful, the smell was so awful," Jin scrunched his nose in distaste. It was subsequently the same minute when Jungkook, out of habit, mirrored the same expression.

"Now that you two are done bickering, can we eat? I'm starving," Namjoon expressed with a mild smile. "Sure," Jin acknowledged with the same smile. "Okay then, lesgo to the lunchroom," the elder Alpha uttered as he appeared to lead their way, but paused the very next moment—

"Why are you following me like a lost puppy? Go call your mate! Shoo," Jin mockery scowled at the young boy before rushing towards the canteen, holding Namjoon's palm.

Jungkook sulked to himself. He was hungry too! How can they just leave him in such a big hospital to look for his mate?



Jungkook smiled as he observed his mate. Though he did not want to. Though he wished to be mad at him yet, he couldn't hold back the smile on his lips at the way Taehyung was reaching out to some aged patients. His eyes spoke so freely, spoke that this is what he cherish the most.

Nevertheless, Jungkook assumed himself to be jealous, but wasn't. That smile Taehyung held over his lips, the way the corner of his eyes curled themselves, induced the alpha to exhale with a bare tint of blushiness. At this point, Jungkook was adequately aware that his companion loved his passion as he loved him.

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