Chapter 31

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Sigma rule #31

You only love and live once.


Jungkook had two options: wait till Taehyung reveals his reasons or find those reasons himself. But considering the extent of patience the younger has and how tough family members are to persuade to reveal the secrets to him; it wasn't feasible to implement either of the options any time soon.

Recognizing this, the mere alternative he had was to win all the wedding rituals and get the right to make the opposite party do whatever they want them to do- more precisely Taehyung's party.

He knows what he has to do; he will bestow them three wishes that they have to do for them. He doesn't know what will be the first two wishes, but the last one will doubtless be the demand answers. Answers to the past.

Perfect; this is absolutely perfect to get to the roots and Taehyung can't even lie because of the pledge ceremony in this evening.

Jungkook was deep into his plans when he lost another round of the video game he was playing with his Alpha Hyung. Jin had his arms around Jungkook's shoulders, simply enjoying his wins against his Lil brother.

That was the same flash when Yoongi entered the lodge and perched on the sofa adjoining to the two brothers

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That was the same flash when Yoongi entered the lodge and perched on the sofa adjoining to the two brothers. "Jin, don't you think you should spend time with your fiance than playing games that you play every day with your brother?" Mrs. Jeon, who was passing by the living room of their booked resort villa, expressed. She did not stop by to hear his answer and just left on a tour outside with the other ladies.

"let that twit be with his plants," the eldest in the room, rolled his eyes, causing the two others to adequately grasp the air. No matter what, Joon and Jin never ever fought- or at least Jin never appeared to call him by such names. And now-

"Hyung, what did you do?" Jungkook brazenly asked, solely to earn a head smack from the other fellow. "What did I do? Huh!? We had the plan to go to the beach today, and that man turned me down saying that he is going to a flower shop with Taehyung" SeokJin pushed the buttons on the controller with so much pressure that it defined how furious he was at his mate.

"You dudes are not even married yet lol" Yoongi reflected. Jungkook joined in to laugh with the elder sigma. "Yah!" The former denounced the two, who were still struggling to deal with their peals of laughter.

"Okay Okay, But Hyung, you're a sigma too. And you have a sigma husband. How do you deal with it?" Jungkook inquired mischievously, leaning more into Jin's crook of the collar.

"It's kinda easy because as sigmas we understand each other's mindset," the latter acknowledged and then urged again. "If you want, I can give you two some types to keep your sigmas under your control,"

And how could the two say no?




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