Chapter 40

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Sigma rule #40

Impossible is not in my vocabulary. 


 The noon sun dimmed, and the breezes had been summoned by the nature. The green ocean and the blue sky were set at the war. The hushed dewdrops that died upon the grassy meadows — intensifying the green — the tranquility in nature.

Deep in the woods, the resort had organized the venue for the wedding. The faint melody and hence the elegantly dressed-up people. Everybody had broad beams gliding over their pink lips; ultimately, the day was here — It was the marriage of Namjoon and Jin. They've waited for this day since they were sixteen. The two still recall when they promised one another that they wouldn't mate with anybody unless it was them.

The grooms were yet to arrive but the alphas and the sigmas were standing chest-to-chest, ready to argue (?) before the segments began. Lisa was in the center of the alphas and Bam-Bam of the sigmas.

"How does it feel to lose? Well, I am going to ask you to buy me two Gucci bags as my wish," Eunwoo muttered, chuckling as he sheathed his arms around his chest, giving them a glance of mischievousness. Sigmas have been underestimated overly lately and distinctly, none of them were having this. But them being them served to not lose their calmness. They remained there with a monotone expression.

Instead of acknowledging and picking up a quarrel with the alphas, they were determined to remain silent and neglect their presence. Lisa looked kind of pissed off by this attitude. Bam-Bam internally was loving that. The sigmas turned towards their front — producing the alphas to have no opinions further to pick up on them.

Silence indeed is the best answer.

The alphas certainly stormed out of their side and walked over to their own respective chairs. The chairs were coated with silky white cloth, and the flowers along with the artificial ones formed the decoration to look simple yet graceful. The mist, earned due to the rains earlier, made the view immensely eye-pleasing.

Dressed in silk white attire, two men stepped towards the build-up stage, pursued by two fellows with green leafy tiaras over their heads, carrying the palms of their grannies; Jungkook and Taehyung, after their brothers, wandered in with wide smiles on their lips. Last but not the least, there followed the mothers and the fathers of the wedders.

They paraded in a lined-up position. Namjoon's family was on his side and Jins was on his. It was the day to celebrate love, celebrate the in-coming of cupid — the god of love in the atmosphere.

Nevertheless, it was the day that should only fill happiness and brightness — there was something that was troubling someone. Taehyung was upset and into his strong thought as in what the younger will demand and about Jungkook — he remained up all night yesterday thinking. . .

Last midnight, he apologized to his elder brother and so did the latter. Jin hugged him and murmured soft words; as an elder brother, it's his job to correct the inexperienced one.

The former made him realize the seriousness of the gamma pledge and how his mate-ship relies upon it. How it will keep them cheerful and never let anything occur between them. Being the elder one, Jin's job was to make Jungkook aware that it's not just important to love, but likewise to have trust and have patience too. Jungkook willingly understood it. He followed every single aspect of it.

However, when he faced Taehyung promptly this morning and he did see something exceedingly saddening in his eyes. Those eyes were sending emotions, revealing a lot of things. The younger alpha had actually seen Taehyung by the stairs case and was pretty well aware that his mate had heard him and his brother's conversation.

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