Chapter 19

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Sigma rule #19

Never let anyone know about your fears.


A few more days just passed by, and Taehyung had started to get busier and sadder. The realization of leaving the younger was just keeping him breathless.

He tried to speak to the younger about it, but he lacked the courage to take that smile away from his love. The shadow of sorrow was following him everywhere. He had to tell the younger, today itself. He had to tell him that he was leaving in seven days.

The Sigma beamed at the younger sleeping peacefully on his bed, his long eyelashes going down on his puffy cheeks. A little pout - those pink lips. Taehyung strode over to the bed and laid beside him.

The elder peered at him with affection in his eyes and heart. He leaned in and kissed his forehead. "Jungkookie.." he whispered, delicately caressing his cheeks. Jungkook shuffled his face in response, making Taehyung chuckle. The younger hugged the former, opening his eyes slowly but dozed off again in his embrace.

"Oh my little baby, get up!" Taehyung chuckled and murmured, causing the alpha to grumble at his cheesy yet buttery mate. "You don't want to go on a date with Hyung?" the sigma flicked his chin.

Jungkook snapped opened his eyes, "a date?" the older grinned at his mate's big eyes which were stretched out.

'I will miss these eyes' the sigma leaned in before placing his palms on his eyes, making him close them. He smiled sadly once again, pecking his closed eyes tenderly.

The alpha didn't understand what was up with his mate, suddenly. He instantly whined a little to know about the date. "Yes, you dummy, we're going on a date!" Taehyung boop'ed his nose, admiringly. "Whoaaaaa where- where? What should I wear?" Jungkook eagerly stood up on the bed.

"Hyung, I will wear your white hoodie!" the alpha devilishly grunted before running off to the washroom. He expected his sigma to say something, but when he didn't hear anything in return, the fellow turned around. He saw his mate beaming at him, smiling in a strange manner. "TaeTae?" he called out


"Are you okay? TaeTae?" Jungkook sauntered over to him only to lie above him, on his chest. The Sigma glanced at him, finding concern in his mate's eyes. Taehyung smiled and ruffled his hair.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" The sigma sighed a Lil, but the younger frowned, "TaeTae, you're dumb! It's morning, how will I know if the moon is pretty or not!" the younger complaint.

And How much Taehyung loved his innocent mate, who will tell him it doesn't have to be the night for him to look beautiful.

The older of them smiled a little, brushing their noses. "right, Hyung is dumb" Jungkook giggled at the elder one's statement.



My sky has fallen shorter since I fell in love with you.





The Alpha wrapped his arms around the Sigma's chest, remaining behind. The younger one stuck his chin on his shoulder and watched at the one who was driving the bike. Jungkook peered at the one who was facing straight, keeping his view limited to the road.

Out of nowhere, Jungkook pecked the elder's ear. Taehyung lifted his brows at him through the mirror. The Alpha snickered a little before blushing furiously at his own action.

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