Chapter 8

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Sigma rule #8
Can't show you, how much I love you

All the juniors and the seniors were at the basketball court. It was the time for their club activity, which took place twice a week after the last lecture.

Taehyung stood outside the basketball court. His eyes were studying the surroundings simply in search of a specific boy who was in the same club. Apparently, his Lil wolf. "Sunbae, can we be in your team for today's match?" a few of the freshers proposed. He nodded without reacting, much as was waiting for someone to come and ask him, 'TaeTae, can I be on your team'

He looked around again and this time, he saw the clumsy boy walking in with the coach. The Alpha showed him his tongue, showing him that he was mad at him.

All of them lined up with their captains in the front when the coach entered. "So, lads and lasses, ready with your teams?" the alpha coach inquired after blowing the whistle, drawing their attention

All of them acknowledged and then turned around to count the members in their teams. And there Taehyung was cursing under his whiff. His team was full now. He allowed two freshers, a moment ago. He turned around expecting Jungkook to denounce him but instead heard.

"Yoonkitty, can I be on your team,"

Jungkook formed the sweetest face that he never made in front of Taehyung? There was a burning fire inside the Sigma but he decided to not lose his calm. "when did he grow close to Yoongi?" he grumbled under his gasp.

Jimin, who was in his team, heard him.

"I heard Yoongi helped Jungkook with a sum before the exam" Taehyung stuck his inner cheek with his tongue when he saw Jungkook smiling at Yoongi. Who was smiling back, showing the gummy smile.

Jungkook glanced at Taehyung proudly and taunted him by making faces. "Well, it seems he meant it when he said he will dismiss me as his 'Hyung' if I don't answer him" Taehyung groaned, even the thought of Jungkook being away from him made him feel heavy.

"So, Team Mark VS Jackson" The coach started declaring the matches "Lastly Team Yoongi VS Team Taehyung" He ended by saying. And then ran towards the court, actioning the first team to enter.

Matches after matches, everyone watched them patiently, but the Sigma male had his eyes fixed on the Alpha guy. The younger boy was pouting to himself while playing with his own fingers. Taehyung was about to get up and ask the boy what happened, but before that, the coach signaled them to walk into the court as it was their turn now.

All of them went up along with their teams. Jungkook stretched his body, jumping. The Alpha was remarkably good. And for the first time, he was about to play against Taehyung.


The game started and as promptly as it did; the ball was trapped to Taehyung, who didn't waste any time to shoot it already, making sure to not carry the ball for more than the set seconds.

Taehyung's team was taking the lead, while Yoongi's was behind by four points in total. Taehyung glanced at Jungkook. He was sighing densely. The younger boy raised his tee up to his face and— oh god, Taehyung felt his heart rate doubling.

The next minute, when Taehyung was about to jump into the basket with the ball but Jungkook blocked him.

Taehyung's eyes were fixed on the Alpha's hands, and the latter had his eyes pinned on the basketball. The sigma passed, throwing it up, but the younger Alpha jumped, receiving the ball. He thus scrambled over the rim. It was a two-pointer, but he looked so dashing jumping so high.

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